
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Movie: Legally Blonde 2: Red, White, & Blonde

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8

Genre: Chick flick

Series or set: Sequel to Legally Blonde

Primary actors: Reese Witherspoon, Sally Field

Length: Two hours

Time period: Present

Year it came out: 2003

My overall opinion: Way too much pink. That’s what I think. An interesting story, though I enjoyed the first more. But this one…I was feeling a little over-pink by the end of it all. Because EVERYTHING was pink. I’m not that fond of pink to begin with…and definitely not by the end. BUT. That being said. Not a bad sort of movie. I watched the whole thing and enjoyed it for the most part.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, you have been a busy bee when it comes to posts today! You have my deep respect.
    I've been curious about this little series. I heard it was funny since it's a "blonde" movie and I enjoy chick-flicks.... May consider watching it during my next free period in the walk of life.


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