
Monday, September 9, 2013

Revell Blog Tour: Trapped

Author: Irene Hannon

Genre: Suspense

Series: Private Justice

Number in series: 2nd

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9.5

Type: Fiction

Number of pages: 393

Time period: Present

Publisher and price: Revell, $14.99

My overall opinion: This. This was a stunning sequel to Vanished, the first book in the series. James Devlin aka Dev quickly stole my heart and I had no problem whatsoever understanding why Laura fell for him in just a few days. And speaking of Laura, she was pretty awesome! I really liked her. Like other books by Irene Hannon, this one was packed with excitement and suspense, and although there were a few parts that I felt were rather predictable, there were still plenty of unexpected twists and turns throughout. I enjoyed this one SO much and am so glad I got to read it! You definitely should be keeping an eye for it if you aren’t yet. I’m super excited to read Deceived, coming in summer 2014!

**Thank you to Revell for my review copy. I wasn’t required to post positively, nor was I paid in any way for this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.**


  1. Charity, you're back!! :D Ah, I missed you! Great review. I loved Trapped as well. Dev is swoon-worthy for sure. ;)

  2. CHARITY IS BACK!! (don't leave again, M'dear.)
    Oh, and the book cover is neat. :)

  3. Methinks this was Hannon's best yet. :)

    Welcome back to the wonderful world of book blogging, Charity!

  4. So glad you're back, Charity! Great review :D I've seen this book around the blogosphere lately and have read nothing but good things about it. Can't wait to read it soon!

  5. Rosie, glad to be back and glad to hear you agree about Dev! :)

    Liese, well, most hopefully I won't leave again for a while. :)

    Rissi, it was good -- not necessarily my favorite of Hannon's (thinking maybe "Lethal Legacy" was) but definitely a favorite for me. :) So glad to be back here again!

    Hamlette, yes! Alaska was amazingly awesomely stupendously stunningly wonderful again. I love that place and miss it now. Oh well. So it goes.

    Crystal, glad to be back! You definitely need to read this one!


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