Genre: Chick flick, life, family, romance
Primary actors: Zac Efron, Taylor Schilling
Length: Two hours
Based on: the book by Nicholas Sparks, I think
Time period: Present
Rating: PG-13
Year it came out: 2012
My overall opinion: Not bad! Hmmm. I guess what struck me most was the way Zac walked – it was kinda weird. But that’s probably just me. Overall? I liked it, other than a few scenes. The ending was a little melo-dramatic, I thought, but it was a sweet story and moved along at a good pace, while still being laid-back and peaceful. A good movie for filling an extra evening.
I saw this one in the spring and liked it. I thought the twist with Zac's character was really, really, genius of the author. :) Great review!
ReplyDeleteReally liked this one! It's one of my favorite Sparks book-to-screen adaptation; mainly because no one I liked dies. ;) Read the book, too and it was good also though I think my favorite so far was Safe Haven.