
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

The Lightkeeper’s Bride

Author: Colleen Coble

Genre: Romance, mystery

Series: Mercy Falls series

Number in series: 2nd

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5

Type: Fiction

Number of pages: 292

Time period: 1800s

Publisher and price: Thomas Nelson, $14.99

My overall opinion: An enjoyable read! I’m so glad to finally get back to this series – I read the first one about two years ago, and really liked it, but never managed to finish the others. Until now. I’ll be reading the third one soon! The touch of mystery and suspense in this one made it delightful, along with a sweet romance. I was thankful that the romance wasn’t overkill, and was well balanced by other story elements. The book had a good pace and kept me tied to it. And the characters were great. I liked it!


  1. I recently read this one too and really enjoyed it. It also took me awhile to get to this second book in the series, but hoping to read the third one soon.

    Happy New Year! : )

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