Author: James Stuart Bell
Genre: Christianity, faith, Hobbit (yes, it’s a genre!)
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8
Type: Non-fiction (about a fictional book…but also about God and the Bible, so…)
Number of pages: 234
Publisher and price: Bethany House, $13.99
My overall opinion: This was definitely a good book! First thing to note? It’s not a devotional. I had to re-orient my mindset a few times, as I went into this one thinking “devotional” and that’s not really at all what it is. I was very impressed by the amount of research that Bell put into Hobbit and Lord of the Rings – he clearly knew what he was talking about. He draws valid points, without trying to dig too deep or pull in things that aren’t there, and he wasn’t too preachy. I especially liked the character profiles of Gandalf and Elrond – informative and interesting. Good background info there, I thought. All in all? This was an enjoyable book that I learned from and found interesting. Read it in conjunction with The Hobbit!
**Bethany House sent me a copy of this book in return for my honest review. I wasn’t obligated to review it positively, nor was I recompensed in any other way for this review.**
Looks intriguing! May have to add it to my to-read list. Thanks for the heads-up!