
Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Movie: Bourne Legacy

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9

Genre: Action

Series or set: Bourne

Number in series: 4th

Primary actors: Jeremy Renner, Scott Glenn, Edward Norton

Length: Two hours

Based on: Well, all of Bourne was originally from books by Robert Ludlum…other than that, it’s not really BASED on anything.

Time period: Present

Rating: PG-13

Year it came out: 2012

My overall opinion: What a great movie! I know, it’s a little weird that I’m reviewing the fourth movie in this set without reviewing the others – sorry. I have seen them all, just not reviewed them all. I think quite possibly you could watch this one without seeing the first three, though you might miss a few references. But all in all, this movie is most decidedly enjoyable. For one thing, it has Edward Norton. It gave me a turn when he came on screen. See, he’s the bad guy in Italian Job and I’ve seen that movie…I’m not even sure how many times. A LOT. Anyway. So he was in this. One great thing about this movie was that it was the most epic dirt bike chase scene EVER. I’m pretty sure that there’s no beating it. Seriously. The stunts they did were amazing. I was riveted to the screen through that entire section…and actually, through this entire movie. But especially that part. Oh, and the part that almost made me fall out of bed? (wow that sounded weird…I watch movies in bed most of the time, so that’s why I said that.) A dude comes driving up. He’s driving a Dodge Ram truck. (brownie points for him right away – I love Dodge.) And then a song comes on – and it’s Rodney Atkins singing “Cleaning This Gun” which just so happens to be one of my favorite songs. I almost exploded with happy over that part. It was awesome. So, all in all? Great movie! Check IMDB as there are a few things that are objectionable. But. I’d watch this again. :)


  1. While I really liked this movie, I think overall, I prefer the Damon era of Bourne movies. This one was just so different which in retrospect IS a good thing though the cast and stunts were fantastic. Maybe not initially a favorite in the series, I think this is one of those movies I've liked more each time I've watched it and it is certainly a legit movie - it deserves to be in this series. Great thoughts! :)

  2. oooh, you made me want to watch this one again.


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