
Monday, July 25, 2011

CD: Emma

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9.5
Type of music: Soundtrack
Composer: Samuel Sim
From the movie: Emma (the 2009 version)
List of songs:
  • Emma Main Titles
  • Emma Woodhouse was Borne (that's how they spelled it...)
  • Expansion Project
  • Rescued from the Gypsies
  • Knightley's Walk
  • Dolls
  • The World Has Left Us Behind
  • Arrival of Little Knightley
  • Donwell Dancing Again
  • Superior Men
  • Matchmaker
  • Walk of Shame
  • Playing Harriet
  • Without Suspicion
  • Frank is Free
  • Mr. Elton
  • Blind Endeavours
  • The Last Dance
  • Lost and Found
  • Only People We Like
  • The Ship's Cook
  • Cliff Tops
  • Secrets
  • It's Snowing and Heavily
  • The Seaside
  • Love Story
  • Most Ardently in Love
My overall opinion: <3 Yes, I love this. And I have the Mp3's, actually, not the CD. But since I bought the entire album, I figured it counted as a CD.


  1. I love this soundtrack, it's probably my favorite soundtrack in my collection! I'm glad you enjoy it too!

    ~Miss Laurie :)

  2. I would say that you got that one right. I thought the music was better than the movie. I like the old one with gwenith paltro and jeramy northam. Which movie did you like better?

    Josh Martin

  3. Josh, I preferred the 2009 Emma to the older one. It has been a really long time since I've seen the other one(s) but I believe that this one stuck the closest to the book? I loved the actors and of course, the music was A.M.A.Z.I.N.G. :)

  4. HE HEEEEE! I love this music. I don't usually listen to the whole CD (although I do on occasion), but my favorite favorites are: Main Titles, Knightley's Walk, The Ship's Cook, The Last Dance, and Blind Endeavours.


  5. Oh, and on Blind Endeavours I almost always have Emma's speech running through my head, that goes with that part on the movie:

    "How stupid I am! How blind I've been! Harriet? And Mr. Knightley!?"...and so on. ;-)

  6. Melody, I think those are my favorites too. :)

    I know! About the words running through your head! Except for me, it's always on The Last Dance. I had a recording of it on my Mp3 player, but it was straight from the movie, had the words and everything. So I always hear all that. :) Love that piece....eeek! :)

  7. Really? But there wasn't much talking guring that dance! Just right before it. :)

    Oh, I sometimes do that with the narration on "Emma Woodhouse Was Borne", too. ;-) Although I can never remember the whole thing.

  8. I have that problem words lag behind my typing. :P So mistakes come. :(

    There's not talking during the actual dance. But I recorded it early enough that you get him asking her, others commenting on them as a couple, etc. :) So sweet.


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