
Sunday, November 13, 2011


Author: Penny Zeller
Genre: Life, romance, adventure
Series: Montana Skies series
Number in series: 1st
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 314
Time period: 1800’s
Main characters: McKenzie, Nate
Exciting events: A mail-order bride (who doesn’t plan to stay married), a fight, an abusive husband…
My overall opinion: I really enjoyed this one! It might be my favorite from this series, but it’s a close tie. J Definitely one to re-read! I highly recommend it.


  1. This book sounds really cute. =)

  2. Hi Charity,

    I'm not sure if you accept blog awards, but if you do, there are two little somethings waiting for you on my blog (Julia's Journal). :)

    Have a blessed day!

  3. Julia, I'd love to, but this week at least I won't have time. Hopefully later!

    Rissi, it's very good. :)


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