
Monday, November 14, 2011


Author: Penny Zeller
Genre: Romance, life
Series: Montana Skies
Number in series: 3rd
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: Around 300
Time period: 1800’s
Main characters: Hailee, Nate, McKenzie, Zach, Kaydie, Jonah, others
Exciting events: Several! J
Passage from book: You can go here to read more about it.
My overall opinion: It was awesome. J I think I liked it just a bit more than Kaydie. I love the way Penny writes, and some of her characters are hilarious! I loved Hailee herself, and the story was pretty great.
**The author sent me a free copy of this book in return for a review. I have reviewed this book honestly. I am receiving no other compensation for this review.**
P.S. I think Penny Zeller may the author I most want to meet. :) Also, if you click here, you can see my Cover Spotlight of Hailee.

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