
Saturday, January 14, 2012

Totally Awesome Giveaway!!!!!

This is the best day (IMHO) of Katy's blog birthday giveaways. :) It involves two books: one by an author I've read one book by (which I loved) and one by an author I've read a lot of positive reviews about. They are Lisa Bergren (who wrote Waterfall [read my review!]) and Jill Eileen Smith (who wrote a Wives of King David series, and is starting on a Wives of the Patriarch's series). The books:

Bathsheba by Jill Eileen Smith


One of the above books by Lisa T. Bergren: Waterfall, Cascade, or Torrent. I'm hoping to win Cascade, if I win one of these, since that's the next one I need to read. :)

So go HERE to enter Katy's giveaway at "Legacy of a Writer" before it closes on Monday, January 16, sometime around noon! 

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