
Friday, March 2, 2012

Interview with Lisa T. Bergren!

I am SO excited to be bringing you an interview with Lisa Tawn Bergren! She wrote the well-loved "River of Time" series: Waterfall, Cascade, Torrent, and most recently (as an e-book only), Bourne. I've read the first two -- click on the titles for my reviews (loved them both!).

Welcome, Lisa!

What do you enjoy most about being a published author?

A tangible sense of accomplishment. Looking at my covers makes me remember that I can do it, when
I get to that inevitable place in every project when I think I just might be out of gas.

What gave you the idea, or inspired you to write the “River of Time” series?

My teen daughters were both reluctant readers. I tried book after book for me eldest, and she was
never hooked—totally absorbed into a story. It was finally Twilight that caught her attention and
awakened her to the power of story. She stayed up late reading, thought about the characters during
the day. I read the series with her, went to the movies, and thought, “I want to write a series like this
for my girls and others like them. But I don’t want to write a vampire story.” I’d always loved time
travel and it provided the perfect romantic obstacle, so that’s how it began.

What was your favorite part of Waterfall to write?

When Gabi emerges from the tomb and enters the middle of the battle. I loved that jarring,
overwhelming moment when her head is swirling and she’s trying to make sense of it all…in the midst of incredible danger from the get-go. As I finished that scene I couldn’t wait to see what happened next!

I know you’ve been asked this before but… If Waterfall was being made into a movie, which actors would you like to take the four main characters? That is, Gabi, Lia, Marcello, and Luca.

I’d choose American and Italian unknowns. Any “names” would get in the way for me.

How long did it take you to write the whole series?

A year.

Wow, that was fast! Which cover is your favorite? How about which story?

Waterfall is my favorite cover, although I do wish the photographer had put Gabi in the cami and
sweater that was described. But I love her red. And the castle behind her, and the arch with the light.
It’s mysterious and hopeful all at once.

Cascade is my favorite story. There was so much going on, and the girls and getting stronger and
stronger, falling in love with this time and these guys more and more, but they have to go back. Have
to. The emotional pull of that book, from beginning to end, is the strongest, I think.

Which book in the “River of Time” series was hardest to write? Easiest?

Torrent was the hardest to write because I didn’t want it to end! Waterfall was the easiest because it
was all just beginning!

Is it hard to write while sticking to the historical facts?

Story comes first to me. Thankfully, there’s not a ton known about medieval history, especially in
Italy, so I was able to use a lot of artistic license. But I do want it to be as true to truth as possible—I
think it gives a story depth.

What kind of research did you do, especially concerning Italy?

I’d done a ton of research for a previous series, "The Gifted" (The Begotten, The Betrayed, The Blessed), so a lot of that was done, thankfully. And I’ve been there five times, so that helps too! If you came to my office, you’d see two massive encyclopedic volumes called Medieval Italy. Those were helpful too, since most medieval history books are about England (in English, at least!)

Is there a random fact about you that most people don’t know?

Whoever is last out of our bed has to make it. And that’s usually me.

Isn't that the way it goes. What’s a book you recently enjoyed reading?

Ross Lawhead’s Realms Thereunder.

What’s your favorite classic book?

Wrinkle in Time.

You have a new book just out in the “River of Time” series, a novella, right? Would you like to tell us a bit about that?

Bourne is a little less than half the length of the books, a novella, and picks up right where Torrent left
off. It’s for my loyal River Tribe, who are all begging for more about these characters. I think it will be one of three this year. We’ll see.

And then sometime this year, you have Glamorous Illusions coming out. Please tell us a bit about that too!

Glam, as I call it, is about a young woman in 1913, on the plains of Montana, who discovers she’s
the illegitimate daughter of a copper king—one of the wealthiest men in the state, and the country
for that matter. He comes to claim her, and it begins an odyssey of self discovery, of identity as a
daughter of the King, before all else. The first book releases June 2012.

Thanks so much for coming, Lisa! How can our readers learn more about you, or contact you?
Thanks for having me!
Facebook: River of Time Series

Great having you! :)


  1. Oh Charity you must read Torrent and Bourne! Both very good and leave you wanting more! Great interview with Lisa! I must check out her other books!

    Julie @ My Favorite Pastime

  2. Actually, Lisa was so kind as to supply me with a copy of Torrent, which I'm hoping to start this afternoon! :)

  3. LOVED the interview! The River of Time series (including Bourne) was AMAZING! :D I'm begging for more. :P

  4. Melanie, it was tons of fun to interview her! I agree,definitely begging for more.


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