
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Contrasting Emma Characters Part 1

In the past few weeks, I have been able to watch both 1996 versions of Emma, and I know the 2009 version very well. So I figured that since a lot of people seemed to enjoy the Pride and Prejudice comparisons, maybe you would enjoy seeing my thoughts on the Emma characters as well. I'm seperating it into two posts this time since there are three versions for me to contrast. I am arranging them fairly simply, in a smiliar way to the earlier comparisons: we're starting mostly with the more minor characters and progressing up. Each section includes the characters name, and then pictures of each of the three. In each character's section, the 1996 blond Emma is first, then the 1996 brown haired one, and finally the 2009 one. Sorry for any confusion! That's the Gwyneth Paltrow version first, then Kate Beckinsale, then Romola Garai. I'll abbreviate them in the preference section as GP, KB, and RG. (Links go to my reviews) Now, let's go.

Miss Bates

This Miss Bates was amazing! She was hilarious, she was extremely talkative, and she was pretty much exactly like Miss Bates should be.

I didn't like this Miss Bates as well. She was certainly more talkative than most people, but in comparison to the other two...

I do like this one. She was talkative, fun, sweet, and good for the part.

Preference: the first (GP) Miss Bates.

Mr. Weston

In both of the older Emma's, Mr. Weston's is a fairly small part and you don't see him much at all. So it's a bit hard to compare! I didn't have any strong feelings about this Mr. Weston.

Again, a fairly small part. Probably even smaller than the one above!

In this one, you actually get to know Mr. Weston, a good thing. :) He definitely seems to be a nice man, and you're glad he got to marry Miss Taylor.

Preference: the third (RG) Mr. Weston.

Augusta Elton

This lady was an excellent Mrs. Elton! She was extremely talkative (always talking over her Mr. E!), quite stuck-up, and definitely Mrs. Elton in every respect. :)

I would have thought after seeing this actress as Mrs. Hurst in Pride and Prejudice that she would be an amazing Mrs. Elton, but she really wasn't. There was nothing fundamentally wrong with her, but when you compare her with the next one...

Now that is Mrs. Elton. There isn't a single way in which she isn't, that I noticed. She absolutely looks the part, plays the part, and indeed, IS the part.

Preference: the third (RG) Mrs. Elton.

Mr. Elton

Not bad, all things considered. Not...annoying enough, though.

One thing I liked about this Mr. Elton was that it was more obvious that it was Emma he was after, not Harriet. In the other versions, it comes a bit more as a surprise. At least, when you aren't watching specifically for it. Here, you kinda wonder how Emma could have been so blind!

Another perfect fit for the character. This Mr. Elton was smooth, oily, and quite dreadful. Not to mention that he looks just like Mr. Elton.

Preference: the third (RG) Mr. Elton.

Jane Fairfax

I didn't really like this girl as Jane Fairfax. However, I did find it interesting that both of the 1996/7 Jane Fairfax's had rather deep voices!

I loved this girl as Jane Fairfax! For some reason, I'd love to meet her. She was sweet, pretty, and I think she's someone I could actually be friends with. Unlike the next Jane...

This Jane is very quiet, and retiring. Very gentle.

Preference: the second (KB) Jane Fairfax.

Mrs. Weston

This Mrs. Weston was fun to watch with Emma. They obviously really liked it each other. Not that that was doubtful in any of the versions, but it stood out here.

No thoughts, really. Didn't love, didn't hate.

This Mrs. Weston was sweet, and a good friend to Emma. I liked her.

Preference: the third (RG) Mrs. Weston.

Question: which do you prefer? Which have you seen? Which actors do you like/dislike?

More to come soon! We have five important characters to go.


  1. I had forgotten there were so many versions of Emma! The GP is my favorite, although I hear the RG version is very well done, too.

  2. Overall, I prefer the GP version, but the RG version stuck closer to the book (as one would expect from a BBC adaptation). I haven't yet seen the KB version.

    I agree with you about Miss Bates.

    I liked both Mr. Westons (am partial to the GP Mr. Weston just cos I know he's Scottish!)

    The first (GP) Mrs. Elton annoyed me to no end.

    As best I can recall, the third Mr. Elton was best (that is, closest to the book).

    Jane comment.

    I love the first Mrs. Weston best, but the third was also good.

  3. My favorite version and casting of Emma is the 2009 adaptation. Everyone fit and played their parts perfectly. I haven't seen any of the other Emma adaptations, so I can't say which I prefer. But I am very satisfied with Emma 2009.

    Oh, I can't wait for part two of this!

  4. Enjoyed your comment, Mary Beth!

    Jemimah, they are pretty close to perfect in the '09 version, I agree! I too am quite satisfied with it. :)

  5. I have to say I agree with everything you have said! But I'm not sure about what you said about Jane Fairfax. I would have to watch the GP version again.


  6. I have to say I agree with everything you have said! But I'm not sure about what you said about Jane Fairfax. I would have to watch the GP version again.


  7. Kristalyn, yay! Glad you agree. And yes, the two blond versions are definitely worth watching again! Romola and Gwyneth are both sweet Emmas. :)


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