
Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Suitor for Jenny

Author: Margaret Brownley

Genre: Romance, life

Series: Rocky Creek Romance

Number in series: 2nd

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9

Type: Fiction

Number of pages: 315

Time period: 1800s

My overall opinion: I’m giving it a 9 just for the humor. Didn’t enjoy the actual story like I’d hoped to, but the irony and humor were awesome! I loved those. It was a good story with very colorful characters…Margaret does a great job with them. This book is fun, light, and romantic! Each chapter is opened with a quote from The Compleat and Authoritative Manual for Attracting and Procuring a Husband by Miss Abigail Jenkins in 1875. Incidentally, this book plays a part in the story as well! But I had to share a few of the quotes with you. :)

“Charm and composure must prevail at all times. If a gunfight erupts, exit the scene with grace and

“A lady, if promenading, must avoid seeking the attention of the opposite sex. Looking over one’s shoulder to gauge a man’s interest is never permitted.”

“Flirting is permitted, but only after mutual interest is shown.”

“A man who presumes to know a young woman’s mind is woefully misguided and should be scrupulously shunned.”

“Never show affection in public. Love may be blind but the townspeople are not.”


  1. Great review! I am currently reading the first book in this series and loving it! The humor is so good! Glad to know that book two will be just as good as book one! Thanks!

  2. Lol! Those are awesome -- and some of them are still sound advice.

  3. I might interested in reading the book for the quotes alone! The ones you shared are so very amusing.

  4. Great review! I read Margaret Brownley's debut(into the Christian market), and loved it! I was chuckling to myself throughout the book. Love her humor. :-) I'll have to check this one out!


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