
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Upcoming Book Reviews

I haven't been reviewing as many books lately, but it's not because I'm not reading! So Sandra Byrd's contest inspired me to blog real quick and give you a sneak peek at a few reviews and blog tours that are coming soon. :) Here we go!

Let Them Eat Cake by Sandra Byrd
This is my current Kindle read...I just started it yesterday after getting it free from Amazon. Having only read the Ladies in Waiting series by Sandra, I was delighted to find that this series promises to be just as good! The characters are delightful and easy to identify with, and the story is true to life so far, and also very easy to get into. Definitely recommending so far!

Ellie's Haven by Sharlene MacLaren
Finally! I was so excited to buy this book and start reading it! While I think I still like Livvie's Kitchen better, this book is wonderful as well, and worth my money.

Shattered by Dani Pettrey
I wasn't sure what to expect of this book, but so many of my favorite authors had endorsed it that I knew it deserved a try. It was very good!

Garden of Madness by Tracy L. Higley
Finally! I had anticipated this book for sooooo long! And it was as good as I could have hoped for. Worth every penny I paid, and riveting as well!

Healer's Apprentice by Melanie Dickerson
A delightful fairy tale that I thoroughly enjoyed! :)

Lady in the Mist by Laurie Alice Eakes
While I didn't love it as much as I had hoped to, it was a good book and has a lovely cover. I did read it on my Kindle app, and I've found I don't usually enjoy those books as much as physical factor that in.
There you go, a small peek at my recent/current books! Full book reviews are in the works for all of them, never fear. :)



  1. Cool. Will look forward to this line up, Charity. :)

  2. Wonderful! I'm excited for those upcoming reviews. Most of those books look really good. I actually have Let Them Eat Cake and The Lady of the Mist as well, but I haven't started them yet.

  3. Looks fun! I've been missing your book reviews. :D

  4. I'm having a writing contest over at my blog! Check it out and invite anyone you think would be interested!


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