
Monday, February 11, 2013

Glass Road Tour: Wake Up, Generation

Author: Paige Omartian

Genre: How-to, Christian, inspirational

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5

Type: Non-fiction

Number of pages: 205

Passage from book: What is at the heart of your question – “What am I worth?” … We could build a tower a mile high with all of the answers to this question that we’ve collected along the way, but there is only one answer, one true authority over our deepest question. What does God say you are worth? He says you are worth the death of His one and only Son. He says you are worth the shame of rejection, the humility of belittling Himself among His creation, and the unimaginable, excruciating pain of being whipped to near death and then ruthlessly nailed to a cross. He says you are worth everything He had.

My overall opinion: I had hoped to find this book inspiring, and it was. Paige is a compelling author, mixing just the right amounts of story, statistic, fact, lesson, challenge…all into one complete and easy to read piece of work. She spends the first 30 some pages telling about her journey to where she is – she had cancer and treatment as a child. From there, Paige goes on to challenge you, the reader, to wake up, realize you have some amazing strengths and talents, and live your life to the fullest – for God. God is a huge part of this book, and it’s clearly centered around Him. Included in the chapters of this book are several “self-quizzes” to help you find your strengths and best ministry. At the end of many of the chapters is a little box titled “Action Challenge.” Each of these has questions that can’t be answered lightly – they’ll make you think in a good way. Also in almost every chapter are small boxes with quotes from a variety of sources/people. One that I found most interesting was this: “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go and do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” –Gil Bailie. Makes you think, doesn’t it. And that’s just one of many! Oh, I was also thrilled to come across pictures at the end…check those out as you read. I highly recommend that high-school students and people in the 20s especially make it a point to check this book out. Older people will enjoy it too, but the ones I mentioned first are the targeted audience, and the ones who will likely be most affected. Great book.
**Glass Road Public Relations sent me a free copy of this book in return for an honest review. I am not compensated in any other way for this review, and was not required to post positively. All thoughts and opinions are my own.**


  1. Charity,

    Thank you so much for taking the time to read and review my book! I’m so grateful for your kind words and encouraging feedback. Be blessed in your ministry!

    With love,

    Paige Omartian

  2. Paige, it was a great book and I was glad to review it! :) Thanks for coming by.


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