
Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Revell Blog Tour: Rebekah

Author: Jill Eileen Smith

Genre: Life

Series: Wives of the Patriarchs

Number in series: 2nd

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9.5

Type: Historical fiction

Number of pages: 316

Time period: Bible times (somewhere in the area of 2000 b.c.)

Passage from book:

My overall opinion: Yay! Jill Eileen Smith did not disappoint with this, her newest book! Rebekah, the heroine, is a character who is easy to relate to. I know I’ll always remember the insights that I gained about her from this. In the Bible, I’ve always found her a bit hard to understand – how could she and Isaac choose favorites? How could she deceive him like that? This book did a great job with explaining that. I’m not saying that God “spoke” to Jill and told her how it was…but Jill did a great job putting me, the reader, in Rebekah’s mind, so that I understand WHY she might do what she did. For example. Have you ever thought about how Isaac felt after his father Abraham almost sacrificed him? Or what Sarah thought about Abraham doing that? I hadn’t…but after this book, wow, I am thinking about that. Once again, this book is Biblically accurate, like all of Jill’s have been thus far. Jill mentions in the introduction, if I remember right, that after writing this, she saw Rebekah in a whole new light. I understand that totally…I do too. I can’t recommend this book highly enough…and I can’t wait for “Rachel.”

**Revell supplied me with this book in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to post a positive review, nor was I paid in any way other than the book.**

“Available February 2013 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”


  1. I loved this one! I, like you, finally felt like I understood Rebekah. :-)

  2. Thank you, Charity, for such a kind review! I'm so glad you enjoyed Rebekah's story.

    Rosie - thanks to you as well for reading Rebekah! I'm so glad you liked it!

    Blessings to you both~

  3. I have been interested in seeking a reading series about Biblical characters and had no idea as to which author might be best. I feel blessed to have come upon your site today and now I will certainly be looking into this author!

    Thank you so much for the great review!

    God Bless You!

  4. Jill, it was a great book and a joy to review! I can't wait for "Rachel," as you know. :)

    Net, I would very highly recommend Jill Eileen Smith. She's written quite a bit of Biblical fiction, and it's all worth reading! If you need more suggestions, click the "Biblical fiction" tag on the left...anything rated 8.5 or above I would definitely recommend to someone just starting Biblical fiction. :)


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