Author: Sarah Sundin
Genre: Life, war
Series: Wings of the Nightingale
Number in series: 1st
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9
Type: Historical fiction
Number of pages: Kindle!
Time period: World War II
My overall opinion: Here’s the deal: anonymous mail being sent between war nurses and soldiers. One of the nurses is a shy girl, who’s always been a little different and never had any good friends. One of the soldiers is liked well-enough, but has some real problems and a dark ancestry that shadows over his present life. With a story like that…what’s not to love? I don’t know, because I loved this book! It was a very unique concept, with the story told from both sides and the letters that were sent as well. A great setting, characters who were truly lovely, and just enough angst to make you want to find out what happens. Once I get a hard copy of this book, it’ll definitely be going on my keepers shelf! I can’t wait for the next one, On Distant Shores, which I today discovered focuses on a favorite character from THIS book.
I loved this one too, Charity!! When I read it I had little less than a year until On Distant Shores, thank goodness it's now only three months away! :)
ReplyDeleteOnce I get through Sundin's other WWII trilogy, I start in on these. Sounds yummy!
ReplyDeleteThis does sound interesting, but I must ask, is there a lot of kissing in it? :P Because seriously, every single historical fiction I've picked up since... a long time ago... has way too much kissing and I'm just like STOOOOP. Wait until you're married and then have the book end at the wedding. :P
ReplyDeleteAhem. Anyways. Rant over. :D
Charity - thank you so much for the lovely review! I'm so glad you enjoyed Tom & Mellie's story!
ReplyDeleteRosie and Hamlette - thank you for your kind words :)
Melody - In this book, there are only a few kisses at the end. Whether or not those are too much or just right for your taste...I don't know :) Maybe Charity will give you more insight.
Sarah Sundin--
ReplyDeleteGoodness, I had no idea the author of this book would be reading my silly comment there! Dear me. I do beg your pardon. And "a few kisses at the end" already sounds much better than the books I was thinking of. ;)
I haven't read a WWII story for quite a while. I always enjoy them, especially since my dad was in WWII. He and my mom did all of their "courting" by mail. Thanks for the review!
ReplyDeleteI am eager to read the next one, I hope to join its Litfuse tour! :-)
ReplyDeleteThis does look like a very interesting book! It is the second good review I have read about it.
ReplyDeleteBrittany McEuen
Rosie, yay! So excited for the next one!
ReplyDeleteHamlette, I'm sure you'll enjoy this series.
Melody, like Sarah said, it's only got a bit at the end, and I didn't think it was over-done at all -- sweet. I'd definitely recommend that you try this one! :)
Sarah, thanks for stopping by! I do so appreciate it. :)
Kay, do try this one! WWII stories are often very good. :)
Faith, good luck getting on the tour! I'd love to be on too, but I don't know if I'll have time. :P
Brittany, it's a fascinating wonderful book! I read a bunch of positive reviews before I got to read it too.