
Monday, May 20, 2013

5-5-5 Day 1: Dani Pettrey

First of all, let me explain. I'm hosting an event titled "5-5-5" -- it's pretty simple. :) Five authors, five questions per author, five days. If all goes according to plan. It's in honor of a couple things... (1) a new blog header! Many thanks to its maker, Phil -- I love the header and it perfectly encapsulates Austenitis. :) (2) I'm leaving for the summer two weeks from today and won't be posting any reviews or anything during that time. And (3) we always need more giveaways. So here we go with five lovely authors!

Here to kick off the 5-5-5 event is Dani Pettrey! I’ve read two of her books this spring, and since they were both really good…I decided had to interview her. So, meet Dani!

Welcome to the 5-5-5 event, Dani! I’m so delighted that you could come by to kick this off! First of all, readers, let me introduce you to the synopsis of Shattered. 

Piper McKenna couldn't be more thrilled that her prodigal brother, Reef, has returned to Yancey, Alaska, after five years. But her happiness is short-lived when Reef appears at her house covered in blood. A fellow snowboarder has been killed--but despite the evidence, Reef swears he's innocent. And Piper believes him.

Deputy Landon Grainger loves the McKennas like family, but he's also sworn to find the truth. Piper is frustrated with his need for facts over faith, but he knows those closest to you have the power to deceive you the most. With his sheriff pushing for a quick conviction, some unexpected leads complicate the investigation, and pursuing the truth may mean risking Landon's career.

With Piper waging her own search, the two head deep into Canada's rugged backcountry--and unexpected complications. Not only does their long friendship seem to be turning into something more, but this dangerous case is becoming deadlier with each step.
What’s something you love about Shattered?
I love interaction and dynamic between Piper and Landon. I fell in love with them while writing my debut novel Submerged. Initially, Piper’s story was going to be one of the last stories in my Alaskan Courage series since she’s the youngest in the family, but seeing her and Landon come to life in Submerged, I just couldn’t wait. I hope readers feel the same. :)

If Shattered was made into a movie…do you have actors/actresses in mind to play the main characters? If not, can you describe a bit of what you’d be looking for? 

Being such a visual writer, I always have actors and actresses in mind. Landon would be played by James Marsden, and Piper would be played by an auburn-haired Mandy Moore.

Oooo, that guy is perfect for Landon! You’ve written two books, right, plus one on the way? Out of the THREE covers you currently have out, which is your favorite? Hard question, I know.

Very hard question. I actually go back and forth on this, but if I was FORCED to choose, I’d go with Submerged. Not only was it my debut novel, but Bailey’s expression is just so captivating and intriguing. I feel drawn to read about her.

I have to agree with you. The streaked mascara makes that one extra real to all us ladies who know how mascara reacts to water! ;) Finally, what can we expect from you book-wise in the future?

Stranded will be out September 1st. Here’s a sneak peek:

“When her friend vanishes from a cruise ship, reporter Darcy St. James isn't satisfied with their explanation that she simply left her job of her own accord. Something isn't lining up, and Darcy believes the only way to find the truth is to put herself in Abby's position. Within days, Darcy learns her friend wasn't the only person to disappear mysteriously. Last summer, a woman vanished under almost identical circumstances.

Gage McKenna has taken a summer-long stint leading adventure excursions for the passengers of various cruise lines that dock for a few days of sightseeing. He's surprised to find Darcy working aboard one of the ships, investigating a troubling report. Something sinister is going on and the deeper they dig the more Gage fears they've only discovered the tip of the iceberg.”

There will be two more McKenna books following Stranded.

AHHH! So excited for Stranded and the next ones! Find Dani on the following sites:

Thanks so much, Charity!

Guess what, y’all? Dani most generously has offered to give away not ONE book but TWO! One winner will receive both Submerged and Shattered. Now, I read Shattered first and really enjoyed it. So I coerced my local library in getting Submerged…LOVE. It was amazing. So I went out and bought it. You know how often I go out and buy books? Hardly ever. But this one was worth it. Before we move on to the giveaway, here are links to my reviews of Dani’s books:

On to the giveaway! Once again, one winner will receive Submerged AND Shattered!
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Hooray - LOVED this, Charity and Dani. :)

    All of Dani's covers are remarkably well suited to her stories - and yay for Gage showing up on Stranded. That's pretty cool.

    Aw! Great picks for the actors, Dani. Mandy has a really sweet nature in her acting and yep, I love James in 27 Dresses. ;)

    What a lovely new header/design you have Charity, m'dear! It is VERY complimentary to your site. :)

  2. I've read so many that I enjoyed. I'll just mention the last one: Beauty to Die For by Kim Alexis and Mindy Starns Clark.
    may_dayzee (at) yahoo (dot) com

  3. I've not read much romantic suspense, but have heard lots of great things about this series!
    P.S. I'm currently giving away two different books {Forsaken Dreams & The Fairest Beauty} on my blog, check it out!

  4. Sounds like a good series. Romantic suspense is not my first choice, but I'm willing to give it a try!
    I normally read historical fiction/romance but lately have read several contemporary romance books and have been pleasantly surprised, so this might be the same=)


  5. Sounds fun. :D I love the new header and background together! It's fun to change around the themes now and then. :D

  6. Glad you're hearing great things about the series, Bethany :)

  7. Thanks, Patty! Best of luck in the giveaway :)

  8. Thanks for dropping by, Analiese. Love your name, btw :)

  9. Love reading romantic suspense -- Dee Henderson, Dani Pettrey, and DiAnn Mills are my favs.

  10. This looks like a great summer cottage read!

  11. Dani Pettrey is a new favourite... I also love Dee Henderson, Robin Carroll... Ect...

  12. Loving Dani's books! I had gotten burned out on Christian romantic suspense... it seemed everything was the same. But, I am in love with Dani Pettrey, Tessa Afshar, and Mesu Andrews. Hoping to find some more authors to really get into!

  13. I enjoy romantic suspense! I'm excited to read Dani Pettrey's books! I also enjoy "The Million Dollar Mystery" series by Mindy Starns Clark.

  14. Carol Gehringer, I like Dee Henderson too but I haven't read DiAnn Milles yet. I'm also anxious to read Dani Pettrey's books!

  15. I love Romantic Suspense! My favorite authors for this genre are Susan May Warren, Dee Henderson, Irene Hannon, Ronie Kendig, Lynette Eason, and of course Dani Pettrey! I was blown away by Submerged last year and immediately added her to my favorite authors list and then began the wait for Shattered! I was so happy that Piper and Landon's story was the next book because I too fell in love with them and I think I might have gone crazy having to wait any longer for their story! And now I'm anxiously awaiting Gage and Darcy's story since I loved them in Shattered, as well as the other two books!

  16. I just recently discovered this genre...and I am loving it! I intend to read these books! :-) I was able to read the previews on Amazon, and I loved when Landon is hearing those wise words from Tolkien in his head... Any hero who knows Tolkien like that makes me want to read more! :-)

  17. Oops, I forgot to add what I am enjoying in the Suspense with a touch of romance world. Seeds of Evidence by Linda J. White, The Hidden Son by Dianna T. Benson, and Fire Storm by Mackenzie Dare. :-)

  18. I am a fan of Dani Pettrey! Other favorites are Lynette Eason, Dee Henderson and Irene Hannon.

  19. Love the review . Love your giveaway . Would love to win these 2 books Thanks and

  20. This is one of my favorite genres! I have especially enjoyed Lynette Eason and Terri Blackstock. I've been too busy with school to read this series yet, but I've heard great things and am very much looking forward to it. Thanks for the giveaway!

  21. I do like romantic suspense. I recently read Submerged, and I agree, it is one of my absolute favorites! I have not had the opportunity to read Stranded yet, but really want to.
    Thanks for this great giveaway!
    Brittany McEuen

  22. I love the new blog design and header, Charity! The books sound very intriguing, so I am definitely entering. :)

  23. I'm new to romance, but romance suspense sounds pretty cool to I love romance and adventure stories. :)

  24. I hope my links for Twitter and FB posts were okay...I'm sort of new to social networking things and I'm not sure how to give the exact link...

  25. Awww, thank you SO much, Carol. I'm honored to be listed with Dee and DiAnn!

  26. Thanks, Laura! Hope you have a wonderful time at the cottage--that sounds awesome :)

  27. That's wonderful to hear, Lisa! Thanks so much :)

  28. ShelK,

    Thrilled to hear you're enjoying the Alaskan Courage series. Thanks so much!

  29. Hope you'll really enjoy Submerged and Shattered when you get the chance to read them, Summer! Glad they sound interesting to you :) I really enjoy Mindy Starns Clark too.

  30. I absolutely LOVED the first two books! Cannot wait to read book 3!
    I also like Dee Henderson, Karen Witemeyer, ect :)

  31. I haven't really read any romantic suspense, but they sound really interesting!!

  32. I've never read anything that could be counted as romantic suspense, but this series definitely looks interesting! I love the name Piper!

  33. Thanks, Kate. I love my covers. Blessed with an amazing Art Department at Bethany House.

  34. So glad you're enjoying the McKennas' story, Abbi :)

  35. Hi Faith,
    So glad you enjoyed the Shattered excerpt! Hope you'll enjoy the entire story. I'm a huge Tolkien fan!
    I've heard good things about Linda White. Anxious to read her book :)

  36. Elizabeth,

    So glad you enjoyed the review. Best of luck in the giveaway!

  37. Hi Randi,

    Thanks so much for dropping by. So glad you're hearing good things about the series. Hope the rest of your school year is great!

  38. Brittany,

    Thrilled to hear you enjoyed Submerged. Best of luck in the giveaway!

  39. Alyianna,

    Romance and adventure stories are my favorite too! Along with a good mystery, of course :)

  40. Morgan,

    So glad Submerged and Shattered sound interesting to you. Best of luck in the giveaway!

  41. Kiri,

    Glad the series intrigues you. Piper is one of my favorite names and characters :)

  42. I haven't read any of your books yet but they are on my list called "MUST READ". Wouldn't mind winning one too.

  43. Loved Submerged and would love to read Shattered. Thanks for the give away!


  44. Sorry I can't answer the question. It's been long enough that I don't remember. I was at a Video Chat Party on FB with Dani tho, with Submerges, and listening to the talk sounded like it will be a good one. I have one from Dee henderson but haven't read it."Full Disclosure". I've heard it is real good. I would love to win. MAXIE mac262(at)me(dot)com

  45. Thanks so much, Becky! Hope you'll really enjoy them :)

  46. Hi Holly,

    Thanks so much for dropping by :)

  47. Waving hi, Maxie :) Thanks for stopping by.

  48. I haven't had a chance to read any of Dani's books yet but I really want to.
    Some of my favorite Romantic Suspense authors (Christian) are Kristen Heitzmann, Terri Blackstock, Dee Henderson, Marta Perry....

  49. Love Dani's books, would love a copy of Shattered for our church library!

  50. Hey, Charity! It's been forever since I last visited Austenitis. My bad. But the new design is stunning (I did a double take on the header. Elizabeth Bennet and Aragorn? You're a genius!) and I'm enjoying this 5-5-5 event. It's wonderful getting to know new authors.

    Anyway, I've heard so much good things about Dani Pettrey and her books. Suspense is a great genre, and romance adds a bit of sweetness. Like dark chocolate. I don't know if Blink by Ted Dekker falls under that specific genre, but it's one of my favourites.

  51. I usually don't read suspense so I am looking forward to looking up Dani...would be interesting in reading her books for the first time. thanks for the review..

  52. I like reading suspense books, and I enjoy romantic suspense just as much.

    I really like the Love Inspired Suspense books.


  53. I have not read many suspense books . I have read Forsaken Dreams . I love mystery & probably would love suspense . I would love to win these 2 books or even one of them . Thanks for the giveaway .

  54. I do enjoy romantic suspense. I really like Colleen Coble books. Thanks for having the giveaway.


  55. I adore romantic suspense. I haven't had the chance to read it in years, and unfortunately, forgotten the names of the novels I read. :(

  56. I haven't read any romantic books in a while....I used to like them. I'm kinda picky about how much romance is in a book, and if it's not well-written, I have a hard time reading the book. Dani's books sound good, though, and I should see if they're at my library. I love who she chose for Landon and Piper! :)


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