
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

5-5-5 Day 2: Sandra Byrd

Please help me today welcome Sandra Byrd! She wrote one of my favorite historical series, titled the Ladies in Waiting series. Three books, one each for Anne Boleyn, Kateryn Parr, and Elizabeth I -- each told from the view point of a servant or lady in waiting. I'm thrilled that Sandra is back today!

Welcome to the 5-5-5 event, Sandra! I’m so honored to be hosting you today. Now, five questions! First of all, could you tell us a little about your most recent book, Roses Have Thorns?

Here's my publisher's well-crafted blurb!

From the acclaimed author of To Die For comes a stirring novel told that sheds new light on Elizabeth I and her court. Sandra Byrd has attracted countless fans for evoking the complexity, grandeur, and brutality of the Tudor period. In her latest tour de force, she poses the question: What happens when serving a queen may cost you your marriage--or your life?

In 1565, seventeen-year-old Elin von Snakenborg leaves Sweden on a treacherous journey to England. Her fiance has fallen in love with her sister and her dowry money has been gambled away, but ahead of her lies an adventure that will take her to the dizzying heights of Tudor power. 

Transformed through marriage into Helena, the Marchioness of Northampton, she becomes the highest-ranking woman in Elizabeth's circle. But in a court that is surrounded by Catholic enemies who plot the queen's downfall, Helena is forced to choose between her unyielding monarch and the husband she's not sure she can trust--a choice that will provoke catastrophic consequences.

Vividly conjuring the years leading up to the beheading of Mary Queen of Scots, Roses Have Thorns is a brilliant exploration of treason, both to the realm and to the heart.

What’s something you love about Roses Have Thorns?

I love the Tudors. They are the ultimate family saga - and it's all, or nearly all, true. You have love, hate, life, death, fortunes made and lost, forbidden love, faith worth fighting for, and great gowns. What more can a reader desire? Telling the story told from Helena, Marchioness of Northampton's point of view was a thrill for me. She's a real person, but very little has been written about her in Tudor fiction.

They are super interesting, gotta agree! If Roses was made into a movie…do you have actors/actresses in mind to play the main characters? If not, can you describe a bit of what you’d be looking for?

Oh, I absolutely DO have some people in mind - and I did as I wrote, too. Please visit my pinterest board to see the pictures that I thought best conveyed them, but here are a few names to get your started!

Elin/Helena: Alicia Vikander (pictured in black & white)
William Parr: John Forsythe
Thomas Gorges: David Garrett
Elizabeth: Cate Blanchett, of course (the other picture!)
Robert Dudley: Joseph Fiennes
Sofia: Emily Blunt
Princess Cecelia: Brittany Daniel

Wow, all great choices! You’ve written multiple books. Out of all the covers, which is your favorite? Hard question, I know.

Oh goodness, I really don't have a favorite. One thing I love about the covers on the Ladies in Waiting series is that great care was taken to portray the kinds of relationships that the women had. In To Die For, they hold one another like best friends. In Secret Keeper, the pose is very motherly/daughterly. And, of course, on the cover of Roses, it's clear that Elizabeth is in charge, but accessible to her closest friends.

That's a good point...I hadn't thought about it before, but you're right about those portrayals! Finally, what can we expect from you book-wise in the future?

I'm right in the midst of writing the first book of my next series, also British historical, but not Tudor era. I felt like I had explored the three Tudor queens I wanted to look at, and really, who could follow Queen Elizabeth I? This new series is great fun, though: still English, still historical, but with a little more romance this time. The first book will be out early next summer.

Please visit me! for everything I've written, a huge contest, and a cool Tudor Hall! for lots of cool things about Roses Have Thorns, including pictures of the actors I'd pick to portray my characters! to keep in touch via Facebook - please send a friend request!
Thank you SO much for taking the time to do this, Sandra. Having you as a part of 5-5-5 just made it better! :) Readers, below you'll find my links to other things on this blog related to Sandra and her books. And below that? A lovely giveaway!

Now, of course you're eager to know what you can win! Since I've given away a copy of Roses Have Thorns at a previous time, the prize Sandra graciously offered this time is a (super-cute) Buckingham Palace Book Tote! If you don't have a book tote either (1) you never go anywhere, (2) you hate books, or (3) you're TOTALLY missing out. Books should go everywhere with you. Especially Sandra's. :) So, enter below to win this adorable tote! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Sounds like a cool book! And I love the bag!!

  2. Of course I carry books everywhere with me! The only problem is I can never pick just one book so I end up with 4 or 5 =)

  3. I carry books with me a lot...I usually use whatever random bag I can find. :P

  4. These covers are beautiful, and the stories sound very interesting and well written - I'll remember them for once I get a little older. :D The book tote is neat too.

  5. I have yet to read one of her books... It is on my to read pole! They sound amazing!
    And yes I never go anywhere without a book! Lol

  6. Um...I don't think I ever go anywhere w/o a book.Like, even if I'm just leaving my room and I know there's no time to read downstairs I still take one w/ me in case. Ha-ha. At the "least" my Bible makes it into my purse. Aaaaand I normally pack more than one book unless I totally trust the author to never get dull. =-)

  7. Of course I always have a book handy to read. Otherwise, how would I ever attempt to get near to finishing every book I buy or borrow? Like most readers, I don't think I will ever get every book read. Love the tote!

  8. I am known for my bags. I carry books and Kindle with me where ever I go. I would love to win this one as it would definitely be a conversation piece.

  9. I don't have this book yet but have tried to win it. But would take the book tote. Put me in. Maxie


  10. Forgot to answer the question. Sometimes I do if I think I'm going to have a long way or if I go to stay at someones house. MAXIE mac262(at)me(dot)com

  11. I read the first book in this series and enjoyed it, which rather surprised me since I don't usually read much from this time period.

  12. I am one of those that doesn't have to worry about surviving ;)

    I carry a book with me everywhere! I have gotten famous within the family for doing so, that and reading by the headlights of the car behind us.

  13. Hiya Charity!!! :) These books look super sweet and I've been interested in reading them for a while now!!! Love hearing what you have to say on them! :)

    Cya around girlie!

  14. Sandra is a new author for me, her books sounds awesome!!! I will be reading some of them!

  15. Yes, I always carry at least one book with me. You never know when you'll end up waiting somewhere and need something to read! :)

  16. Yes, I love to carry a never know if you'll be waiting somewhere with some time to read...gotta be prepared!

  17. I almost always carry a book with me, It makes people think I'm crazy.

  18. Yup! Always a book with me, or if not, my phone with it's Kindle app, which has about 100 ebooks on it I want to read....


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