
Wednesday, May 22, 2013

5-5-5 Day 3: Johnnie Alexander Donley

Welcome to the 5-5-5 event, Johnnie! I’m so glad to be hosting you today, on the third day of the event. :) Now, five questions! First of all, could you tell us a little about your book, Where Treasure Hides?

The novel is a story of sacrifice and hope against the backdrop of World War II. Talented artist Alison Schuyler and British army officer Ian Devlin face nearly insurmountable obstacles in their quest to build a life together. Besides the war, they are separated by a strange family curse and the schemes of a Nazi officer who is obsessed with Alison and her artistic legacy.

What’s something you love about Where Treasure Hides?

I had to skip this question and come back to it because there is so much I love about this novel. When it comes to the story itself, I love the characters – even evil, misguided Theodor. They lived out the story, surprising me with their secrets and astounding me with their courage.  

I also love the creative process and how themes and events I never planned just came together to create something whole and complete. That’s the inner joy and reward of writing . . . and of not giving up.

If Where Treasure Hides was made into a movie…do you have actors/actresses in mind to play the main characters? If not, can you describe a bit of what you’d be looking for?

I love classic movies so my first impulse is to look toward the past to cast my characters. In my dream movie, Ian is played by Joseph Cotten, Alison is played by Ingrid Bergman (on the left), and the Nazi officer, Theodor Scheidemann, is played by Van Johnson (with a dueling scar).

A more contemporary cast would have Dan Stevens (Matthew from Downton Abbey fame) as Ian, a young Gwyneth Paltrow as Alison, and a blond, also younger Jim Caviezel as Theodor.

Obviously I need help choosing appropriate younger actors for my contemporary cast. What can I say? These seem right to me. Besides, I’m a bit ignorant when it comes to current Hollywood celebrities.

Delightful! This is your first book, right? What do you think of the cover?

Yes, this is my first novel. When Tyndale sent me the cover as an email attachment, I hesitated before opening it. I wanted to like it so much and didn’t want to be disappointed. As the cover appeared on my screen, my eyes misted as I oohed and aahed. I absolutely love the cover. My husband had it enlarged and framed as an early Christmas gift. It’s beautiful.

It is indeed! A favorite of mine. Finally, what can we expect from you book-wise in the future?

Those who read the story know the ending is bittersweet. I’m working out the details for a sequel. But in the meantime, I’m returning to a previous manuscript and giving it a major revision. Ian Devlin is a secondary character in that story – but it’s the one that first gave him life. It features an American actress who works on an espionage mission with Ian for the Allies and who also falls in love with a German POW. She has a brief appearance in Where Treasure Hides.

Can't wait to read it! Readers, please see the links below to find Johnnie else-where on the internet. 

Treasured Moments blog:

Thanks for coming by, Dani! I know you're a busy lady, and I really appreciate you making the time for this. And readers, the best part? She's offered a copy of this book, Where Treasure Hides, for giveaway to one of you! At present, it's only been published in digital...I have hopes for a hard copy someday though. :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love to read about the American West, 1800's in general. I have always loved Oregon trail stories.


  2. Charity, thanks so much for having me on here today. You are such a blessing! I love the photo of Ingrid Bergman. We recently watched her in Joan of Arc -- she's such a great actress.

  3. My favourite time period to read about is World War II, actually. :)

    This book looks very good! I'd love to win it. ;)

  4. Patty, I have just the story to recommend to you -- Claiming Mariah by Pam Hillman. It doesn't take place in Oregon, though!

    Tyndale released Pam's novel at the same time as Where Treasure Hides, plus a contemporary romance by Diana Lesire Brandmeyer called A Mind of Her Own. They're both well-written and very good.

  5. Alyianna -- what a pretty name! In the past few years, I've read countless books, both fiction and nonfiction, about WWII, and I never tire of it. There are so many stories of intrigue, courage, and heroism amidst the horrendous tragedy. I hope to have captured a bit of that in my novel.

  6. My favorite time period to read about is probably the 1800's or World War II.

  7. Hi, Morgan. Once again, I'm recommending Pam Hillman's book, Claiming Mariah. A great western -- and perhaps the best dedication I've ever read. As for WWII, have you read Sarah Sundin's books?

  8. I love reading about modern times. (Love watching period dramas, though!!)


  9. I don't know if I have a favorite. I love American history, especially around the Revolutionary and Civil War eras.

  10. Sounds like a great book! I love learning about new authors! I love reading historical fiction :)

  11. Aw, how great! Nice to "meet" you Johnnie. :) Remember you reviewing this earlier in the year, Charity.

    What a great (contemporary) cast you've pick out, Johnnie - I adore the roles I've seen Jim in; he's one fabulous leading man. :)

  12. Oh I'd love to read this one, new authors are always welcome.

  13. Eowyn, are you a Downton Abbey fan? I love period dramas, too. Thanks for stopping by.

  14. Hi, Kiri Liz. The Civil War era is another one of those fascinating times. No matter how much is written about it, there are always more stories to be told.

  15. Lisa, thanks for coming by. I've had wonderful feedback on the novel. I hope you'll read it and let me know what you think.

  16. Hi, Rissi. It wasn't easy for me to pick out a contemporary cast -- the "classical" one was so much easier. Glad you like the choices, especially Jim. Thanks for stopping by.

  17. Becky, thank you for your enthusiasm. I hope you'll read the book, too. And that you love it! :)

  18. My favorite time period is pretty much anything in the 1800s(setting doesn't even matter).

    I'd never heard of this book before this post, so it's definitely going on my list now! :)

  19. I don't have a true favorite since I like all history but I do like 1800's, Revolutionary War, WW1, Ancient Ireland, Jacobite Rebellion, 1600's...

    Jasmine A.

  20. OOH! Sounds like a super good book!!! I will have to check it out!!!! <3

    Thanks for another great post!!!!!! :)

  21. Sounds like an awesome book! Thanks much for the interesting posts!

  22. Bluerose, thank you so much for adding Where Treasure Hides to your reading list. I'm truly honored!

  23. Hi, Jasmine. With your interest in WWI, have you read Anne Perry's five-book series? You can find them on her website. It's a daunting series, but so worth reading. Thanks for stopping by.

  24. Little Lady, I so appreciate your enthusiasm! Yes, please, read my novel! :)

  25. Hi, Joy. Well, of course, I think it's awesome (she said with a humble smile). In all seriousness, I did fall in love with the characters and the story, and I believe that shines through. Thanks for stopping by.

  26. Although historical periods such as the Regency, Medieval, Renaissance Eras, including Civil and World Wars, interest me, my favourite is probably the French Revolution. It's was a brutal time, but I like stories that portray the conflict, compassion, humanity and inhumanity at that certain period.

  27. Ooh... That is so hard to answer I love all historical periods and I am so thankful that through books I can visit them all! Authors are so awesome because the books they write let us into eras of history that are otherwise locked away.

  28. Jemimah, it's so interesting you said the French Revolution. I just finished reading Tale of Two Cities today. Though I read it in high school and have seen a movie or two about it, reading the ending just about made me cry. What's your favorite novel set in that time?

  29. Faith, you wrote such a nice comment. That's why I like historical fiction, too, to learn more about people's lives in difficult and challenging times. Thank you!

  30. I'd say World War II, but I like so many time periods.

  31. I love westerns set in early 1800's or New york in the 1900's

  32. As this is an e-book, I took the liberty of also entering in the giveaway, which usually I think is not possible, as it is only for North Americans. But e-books can fly over all the world just as easily, right?

    Ehm, my favourite period of history to read about... That's a very difficult question. I think I'll make a top-three:
    - 19th century
    - WWII
    - Edwardian era

  33. Veronica, WWII definitely remains my favorite right now. I find more and more books I want to read. So little time!

  34. Hi, Eliza. New York in the early 1900s sounds interesting. Any favorites to suggest?

  35. Birdienl, thanks for entering the giveaway -- with an ebook, all you need is an email address. :)

  36. I enjoy medieval style fantasy worlds, but I haven't read too much historical medieval set novels except Melanie Dickerson's books. I'd say Regency and the American Revolution is my favorite, and the early 20th century.

    I read the review you posted of "Where Treasure Hides" and I also tend to dismiss ebook-only publications for the same reasons. I normally only download fiction from publishers I can recognize (e.g. Bethany, Zondervan, Tyndale) --It's neat to see these bigger publishers looking into ebooks and giving more authors the opportunity to be published as Mrs. Donley has. I'll be keeping an eye out for similar projects!

  37. In response to your question, Ms. Johnie, A Tale of Two Cities is one of the greatest French Revolution classics and a huge favourite of mine as well (I always loved the ending even though it was sad in a way). But The Scarlet Pimpernel remains as first on my list.

  38. Hi, Lady DragonKeeper! I am very thankful to Tyndale for publishing Where Treasure Hides. Their support is so great. I don't read much medieval history, but two books by Susan Fraser King are favorites. The first is about Lady MacBeth and the second about Saint Margaret. The stories are related. Thanks for stopping by.

  39. Jemimah, I'm adding The Scarlet Pimpernel to my reading list. I've seen an older movie, but never read it. Thanks for the suggestion.

  40. I shall be vague because I cannot settle on a specific period. Anything from the 1800s through the 1930s.

  41. World War II! I love reading biographies/memoirs and fiction from WWII. That's mostly what I've been reading lately, in fact. I like fantasy books too, so no time period there, and....just about any historical fiction works for me. :)

  42. Ooh that's such a hard question! I really love stories set during the Medieval time period and the Roman Empire.

  43. Hannah, I love your vagueness. A good book is a good book no matter what it's setting :)

  44. Mary Beth, I love reading nonfiction books about WWII. I find so many ideas to include in my stories besides being fascinating. Books by Lynn H. Nicholas have been a great help. I'd love to know your favorites. Please email me if you'd like at johnnie.donley at

  45. Hi, Liz R. I mentioned Susan Fraser King as a medieval author I love in an earlier comment. I also like Norah Lofts' novels set in that period, but they were published a long time ago so may not appeal to modern readers. Thanks for stopping by.

  46. Just want to say thank you to everyone who participated in this special book giveaway for Where Treasure Hides. I've enjoyed reading your comments and learning about your favorite time period. If you read Treasure and love it, please consider writing a short review for Amazon. And I'd love to hear from you, too. My email is johnnie.donley at Thank you, Charity, for being such a great hostess. I appreciate you so very much.


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