
Thursday, May 23, 2013

5-5-5 Day 4: Stephanie Grace Whitson

Welcome to the 5-5-5 event, Stephanie! I’m so honored to be hosting you today. Now, five questions! First of all, could you tell us a little about your most recent book, Messageon the Quilt?

The Message on the Quilt is set in 1890 Beatrice, Nebraska, which hosted a huge event called Chautauqua which brought literally tens of thousands of people to the community to hear famous orators and to participate in other cultural events. The main character is Emilie Rhodes, whose newspaper editor father has always encouraged Emilie to think for herself—until, that is, thinking for herself leads Emilie away from the future her parents have planned for her. When Emilie goes to work for her father’s competition, she meets and falls in love with “The Man of Many Voices,” a noted orator appearing at the Chautauqua. But Noah Shaw’s professional life is only one reason he’s in Nebraska. He’s on a quest to find answers about the past. As Noah discovers the real meaning behind the symbols his mother embroidered on a treasured quilt, he realizes that a future with Emilie is probably impossible.  

What’s something you love about Message on the Quilt?

The line that says something to the effect that God is often doing His best work when we are tempted to think He isn’t paying any attention at all.

If Message on the Quilt was made into a movie…do you have actors/actresses in mind to play the main characters? If not, can you describe a bit of what you’d be looking for?

I often seek character inspiration in my collection of 19th century photographs. Here are the inspiration for Emilie and Noah (together) and Emilie’s father, the newspaper editor.
You’ve written multiple books. Out of all the covers, which is your favorite? Hard question, I know.

I love different covers for different reasons. Of course cover styles change over the years, so my older book covers would be considered “dated” now. It’s also a fact of the publishing business that different publishers often establish a specific artistic “look” to their covers. Many readers responded positively to the cover art for Sixteen Brides, even mentioning the cover when they contacted me about the book. What I love about this particular cover is that “my” women’s personalities do show up in the way they are posed and in what they’ve chosen to wear.

Finally, what can we expect from you book-wise in the future?
Readers will go back to 1867 St. Louis with me and board the Laura Rose, a steamboat plying the Missouri River. They’ll meet Laura Rose White and Finn MacKnight, who are polar opposites but who are forced to learn to work together. A Captain for Laura Rose releases in the spring of 2014.

Find Stephanie on the following websites: 

Thank you so much for coming, Stephanie! I can't wait for that next book. So much fun to get to know you better! 

Next up, links to the other things posted on Austenitis related to Stephanie Grace Whitson and her books.  

Told you she was one of my favorite authors. ;) Now, Stephanie has offered up a copy of Message on the Quilt for one of you lucky people! It was a great book that I really enjoyed, and I think you will too. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love historical fiction because it puts you back in time and place. I love to learn about what it was like living in a different time period. I have also traced many of my ancestors and I learn about what it was for them to live in those eras.

    I have a lot of historical fiction favorits but here are some:

    1. March with Me-Rosalie Turner
    2. Vienna Prelude-Bodie Thoene
    3. Lucy Come Home-Dave Jackson
    4. The Healing-Jonathan O'Dell
    5. Michigan Bride-Amber Miller Stockton
    6. Wildflowers of Terezin-Robert Elmer
    7. Crimson Ciper-Susan Page Davis
    8 The Personal History of Rachel Dupree


  2. I love historical fiction because it's fun to learn about previous eres, expecially the early days of America and the settling of the American West. I couldn't even begin to pick a favorite.

    I have really enjoyed Jody Hedlund's recent contributions to the genre!

    I would love to win this book. My town has an annual Chautauqua festival and it's a very neat thing to experience.


  3. I absolutely love history, and reading historical fiction, while the majority of it isn't true, opens your eyes to what could have really happened in those days. I like books that incorporate just enough fiction with what really did happen, something real from history, making me almost believe that the fiction is true. It makes the story that much more real to me.

  4. I love learning about different time periods and even the unusual, little-know history facts. I love too many books and could not even begin to start naming them.

  5. I like reading about different time periods, how the people would act, how they would dress...etc. I just love anything from the past, so...

    I think the best historical fiction books are World War II or pioneer times in North America, or something that takes place in Europe. I like things that are well written, perhaps a classic. ;)

  6. My favorite historical timeframe is the Civil War. I can't seem to read enough fiction/nonfiction books about that time period. I also love reading about Michigan history, the 1800s in particular.

  7. I just love to go back in time and imagine how my ancestors lived.
    There are SO many historical fictions out there!
    First one that comes to mind is Kim Vogel Sawyer's My Heart Remembers.

  8. My favorite thing about Historical fiction is the genteel manner in which society conducted itself, at least the ones that were decent people :) The Regency Era is my all time favorite for a setting and I love the teas and strolling with ones intended.

  9. Oh, and I immediately thought of Michael Caine playing the part of Emilie's father, the newspaper editor, when I saw the photo from Stephanie's Pinterst Board!

  10. I love historical fiction and my favorite historical fiction books are the Love Comes Softly series by Janette Oke.

    Katie J.

  11. I've learned more reading historical fiction than I ever did reading a history book in school!

    Also, at least in the Christian book world, historical fiction seems to be more conservative.

  12. I love historical fiction! I learn so much from reading those kind of books and get a new perspective.

    I learned about Stephanie during the scavenger hunt and I really want to read her books now. :) She actually inspired me to look into quilting.

  13. My favorite thing about historical fiction is that it makes you feel like you are living back then!

  14. "God is often doing His best work when we are tempted to think He isn’t paying any attention at all." This quote is so true, God id there, He knows and He cares. would love to read this one, thanks for the chance to win it too.

  15. I love to walk where they walked and feel like I was there too.

  16. Most of the historical fiction I read has been very well researched by the authors, so I'm always learning something about history. Jocelyn Green's books about the Civil War have been very informative ["Wedded to War" and "Widow of Gettysburg"]. I've read several of Stephanie's books; my favorite is "Sixteen Brides." There are so many wonderful historical books, too many to list!


  17. For me the best part of historical fiction is the history. I love history, even those dry boring dates. I enjoy how historical fiction puts a face and humanizes history, it isn't just dates anymore but people living their lives.

    I can't say what books are best since I like waaay too many. A few of my favorite historical fiction authors are MaryLu Tyndall, Stephanie Grace Whitson, Susan F. Craft, Jocelyn Greene, Tracie Peterson, Tricia Goyer, Sara Mills, Mary Connealy, Julie Klassen, Lynnette Bonner... and the list goes on for a really long way after that.

  18. I enjoy historical fiction, because it is an opportunity to spend some time in a different era. My favorite historical fiction book is Gone with the Wind.
    may_dayzee (at) yahoo (dot) com

  19. When I read historical fiction I think of my ancestors and imagine them as the characters in the book.

    I have so many 'favorite' authors and books it wouldn't be fair to try to pick one or two as the best. Saying that, I will admit that this series is one of the best I have read. I loved the first two, and the second was better than the first.


  20. I love historical fiction and have many favorite authors, its just difficult to pick just one! Thanks for the interesting posts!

  21. I've always loved history. So if historical fiction combines that will a sweet love story, I'm totally willing to read it! :)

    I love that cover for Sixteen Brides! Definitely one of my favorites. I've been a fan of Stephanie's for years. She's got a wonderful grasp on her time periods and writing a story that is sweet and funny and mysterious at the same time.

  22. I love historical fiction because of all the history! Some of my favorites are Lisa Bergren's River of Time series!

  23. I have never read any of her books but they sound great! :)

  24. Being able to relive the historical times and gain a secondhand experience on different cultures, societal issues, famous's just amazing.

  25. I love historical romance...just the different way of life they led sometimes has a slower pace and allows for a sweet story to develop.

  26. Historical fiction, for me, is a reality check. I tend to romanticize the past a little too much.


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