
Saturday, May 25, 2013

5-5-5 Day 5: Lisa T. Bergren

Welcome to the 5-5-5 event, Lisa! I’m so honored to be hosting you today. Now, five questions! First of all, could you tell us a little about your most recent book, Grave Consequences?
It’s the second book in the Grand Tour Series, which is about a group of young Americans traveling across Europe to see the sites, as well as discover a bit about themselves.
Loved it. So, what’s something you love about Grave Consequences?
I liked the action—but then I always like action. :) Slow-moving, sweet text is tougher for me to write.
If Grave Consequences was made into a movie…do you have actors/actresses in mind to play the main characters? If not, can you describe a bit of what you’d be looking for?
Elisha Cuthbert for Cora, and some big, hunky guy for Will. I’m not so picky…

Readers, start thinking about who YOU would cast for Will! I’ll want you to suggest someone to enter the giveaway. :) Lisa, you’ve written multiple books. Out of all the covers, which is your favorite? Hard question, I know.

Glamorous Illusions is a fave. I love her expression, as well as her incredible gown and the setting.  Waterfall is a fave too—love the moodiness of it!
Love both of those! Finally, what can we expect from you book-wise in the future?

Glittering Promises, the third in the Grand Tour Series, comes out this fall, as well as Remnants: Seasons of Wonder, my first dystopian. Super excited about that new series! I’m trying to fit in the last installment of the River of Time Series, but I’ll have to see…want to get to that SOON.

I really like the cover for Glittering Promises. Actually, I kinda love all your covers! If I remember right, I got a sneak peek at the first chapter or two of Remnants and oh…y’all, that is a book to anticipate!
Now, you can find Lisa and/or her books at the following places:

Now, links to things on Austenitis that have to do with Lisa or her books!
Thanks to Lisa, you lucky readers have the chance to win your choice: Glamorous Illusions or Grave Consequences. Enter through the Rafflecopter below. USA only, please. Open until later on May 30. Good luck, y’all!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I'm not sure who should be Will. I haven't read the books yet because I haven't been able to yet... so I wonder what others will say. But I do love the cover of all the books! They're so beautiful! :) I can't wait to read them! I have a stack of books, but I definitely look forward to reading them. :)

  2. How about a young Pierce Brosnan... but he might be to much of a pretty boy!


  3. Oh, this is a book the library doesn't seem to have available, so I shall enter the giveaway. :)

  4. I've really wanted to read these books, but out library doesn't have them :( They look really good, though!

    I'm not sure who I'd cast for Will...I think I'd need to read the books so I could get to "know" him! :)

  5. PATTY, I like that idea! He's a bit too pretty, as you say, in a few pictures, but overall...he looks like he might fit. :)

  6. Love Lisa books! Cannot wait to read this one! :)

  7. I'm not up with all the latest movie stars, so I can't really answer the question. I haven't read the book, either, so don't really know what kind of person might fit the character. Would Jason Statham work?

  8. I haven't read either of these yet, so I can't say who should play him. But I'd love to read them...the covers are gorgeous. :)

  9. Pierce Bronson was the first to come to mind to play Will. I'm not very good at remembering names of actors.
    The covers on all these books are lovely. I'd love to read them all. I actually have the first book but am waiting to read the series all together. I hate to be left hanging!


  10. I want to say Daniel Goddard. He would be a good Will.

  11. Ryan Reynolds would be a good hunky Will. :)
    worthy2bpraised at gmail dot com

  12. The guy who played Thor! I haven't read these yet either, but he's the biggest hunkiest guy I could think of. shopgirl152nykiki(at)yahoo(dot)com

  13. Not sure yet--I'll have to keep reading; which I am very excited to do!

  14. This 5-5-5 event has been fun - thanks for the reviews. :)The covers of Lisa's books are simply beautiful!

  15. I think will would be great played by Richard Armitage...gotta love it.


  16. I haven't read any of the books in this series so I don't have any ideas, YET.

    Jasmine A.

  17. Hmm, I'm not sure of a guy who would be a good character for Will. I'm not real big in actors or anything but it would have to be a serious guy who is big and hefty and a protective gentleman. :)

  18. Oh my yes, Elisha would be wonderful for Cora, Lisa. I like that idea. :) Great pick!

    Have I mentioned how excited I am to see 'Glittering Promises' AND 'Remnants' both!? You are leaving us hanging! ;)

    Great post, Charity.

  19. Lady DragonKeeperMay 29, 2013 at 3:06 AM

    Hmm, that's a hard task ... someone young, early 20s or close to Will's age (I'm too lazy to find my copy of "Glamorous Illusions) ;) ... Perhaps Will Mosley (but that just might be because he's my actor crush) ... I'm pretty sure Will's American, right? How about Logan Lerman?

  20. Oops! I meant Will McCabe is American ... I know Will Mosley is British. =)

  21. Well I tried really hard to come up with one but I couldn't find quite the right fit. Ian Somerhalder is the best I could come up with!

  22. I really don't know what Will is like since I haven't read the book.... but I have someone in my mind, I just can't think of his name! He's an American actor, about the right age. Grr!

  23. MERRY, I really like Ryan Reynolds for the part!

    LADY DRAGONKEEPER, Will Moseley could work...hmmm. Haven't seen him in anything since 2010 (VDT) and he was awesome in 2008 (PC) but I really don't know what he's like now. But! Definitely a possibliity!

    MARY BETH, do come back if you think of the name! :)


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