
Sunday, June 2, 2013

Blog Tour: Reign

Author: Ginger Garrett

Genre: Life, Bible times

Series: Lost Loves of the Bible

Number in series: 3rd

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5 (high)

Type: Fiction

Number of pages: 304

Time period: Bible time (around 925 B.C.)

Publisher and price: David C. Cook, $14.99

My overall opinion: I’m so happy to be telling y’all…I enjoyed this one more than Desired! I read them basically right in a row, so they’re both fresh in my mind. Now this? Is the story…of Jezebel. Let me guess…you’ve never read a story about Jezebel. Me either, until this one! It’s amazing – you fully understand, as you read, just how wicked Jezebel is/was – you abhor her, practically hate her for what she’d doing. Yet at the same time, you understand her, and you pity her. She’s such a sad person…your heart goes out to her. Who knew that one could feel such loathing and compassion for one character at the same time! I don’t think I’ve experienced that before.

It was also very interesting to get to know the prophet Elijah. There are also part of the story told from Ahab and Obadiah’s view-points (not in first person, thankfully). While Obadiah isn’t in the Biblical story itself, I believe that the Obadiah in this book is supposed to be the one who has a Bible book named after him. There were one or two times when the book wasn’t quite accurate to some of the Biblical details – always disappointing. Overall though, it did a good job of representing the truth. There are a few things (though not as many as in Desired) that make me say only for older readers.

All in all? It was good, and I’m keeping this book! Oh, and the reason it got a (high)? There were some a.m.a.z.i.n.g.l.y. great descriptive passages in here – great word pictures. Really enjoyed that.

**The Book Club Network Inc. and the publisher sent me this book for my honest review. I have done my best to honestly portray my thoughts concerning this book. I wasn’t reimbursed for this review, or required to post positively.**

1 comment:

  1. It does look like an interesting read. When I first read about it I think my first reaction was how anyone could write a book about Jezebel? It's just not the "normal" Christian fiction book.

    Thanks for the review,



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