
Monday, June 3, 2013

Cover Reveal: Bleeding Heart (includes Giveaway!)

I am so honored and thrilled to be part of the Cover Reveal team for Amber Stokes' book! You see, Amber is a friend of mine, so when she started looking for people for the team, I definitely wanted to be a part -- and when I finally saw the cover for her book? Ooo-la-la! I loved it! Without further ado, here's the cover for Bleeding Heart:

Isn't it lovely? Now, read on to figure what story this stunning cover gets to cover...

A bit about the book:

Five bleeding hearts. One profound journey.

Summer 1886

Sally Clay’s livelihood has been snatched away, but in its place arises an opportunity to escape
from her sordid past and an unrelenting, unwanted suitor. Boarding a train with a heartsick
rancher and an enigmatic miner, she leaves Virginia City behind and heads to Northern
California, waiting for the chance to make right what went wrong three long years before.

But the road to revenge is far from smooth. Sally soon learns that the jagged pieces of a broken
heart can far too easily wound the hearts of others – and hers isn’t the only heart that’s broken.
Tragedy and fear dog her steps as she flees from the redwood forests to the high desert and back
again. Will her bleeding heart ever find a way and a place to heal?

A desperate soiled dove. Three men who come to care for her. One man determined to claim her.

All on a journey that will show them what true love really involves.

Tell me that's not a great peek into what will no doubt be a stunning story! I'm so excited for this. Next, meet Amber!

Amber Stokes has a Bachelor of Science degree in English and a passion for the written word - from blogging to writing poetry, short stories, and novels. After her brief time at college in Oregon, she is now back home among the redwoods of Northern California, living life one day at a time and pursuing her passion via freelance editing and self-publishing her debut novel,
Bleeding Heart. You can connect with Amber on her blog, Seasons of Humility.

Want to learn more about the book? Check out the book blog, because in conjunction with the cover reveal, Amber’s doing a “blog reveal”! You can find all
the latest news about Bleeding Heart, along with book extras, at the Bleeding Heart blog. Hop on over to Amber's blog, Seasons of Humility, to get the link.

Now, the giveaway! Amber, along with a couple sponsors, is giving away two beautiful prizes: a pack of Bleeding Heart note cards, and some pink and clear teardrop earrings (which I'm in love with). Here they are:

These prizes will be purchased for the winner from Cindy Lundgren and Belle on the Budget.
Ready to enter? Just go through the Rafflecopter below...and remember, this is all in celebration of the Bleeding Heart Cover Reveal!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I love the earrings! Can't wait to find out more about the book!


  2. I agree, "Ooo-la-la" love the cover!

  3. oh my! I LOVE the cover! It's so pretty :)

  4. Wow, that is an amazingly beautiful cover - and goes perfectly with the title, even. :D

  5. Oh-la-la! This *IS* gorgeous, Charity! Have to agree. Love it and being able to be a part of this awesome experience with Amber. :)

  6. Charity,

    It means so, so much to me that you were willing to put this together despite the fact that you were packing and preparing for your expedition this summer!! Thank you, my friend, for being a part of the cover reveal and for all of your support! ((Hugs)) I hope you have a fantastic experience - shall miss you, but will look forward to your return! :)


  7. So blessed by all these sweet comments!! I know it means a lot to both Lena and I to get such positive feedback. :) So amazed at what she can do - definitely recommend her as a cover designer (and you should check out her books, too - wonderful and clean fantasy romance!).

    Jana: I LOVE shopping at Belle on a Budget's Etsy shop! Recommend checking her shop out. :) I thought these earrings fit perfectly with the theme!


    *Waving to Julie and Rissi!*

  8. I love the cover! The way the white dress is all spread out, with the pink flowers against it, then the green hills in the back, is delightful. The story sounds good as well. It's a book to look forward to.


  9. Love the cover Amber. Not surprised with Lena's talent and yours. Best wishes.

  10. The cover drew me in right away-it looks very interesting. Of course, the earrings are lovely as well... :D


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