
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Blog Tour: Elusive Hope

Author: MaryLu Tyndall

Genre: Romance, adventure

Series: Escape to Paradise

Number in series: 2nd

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5

Type: Fiction

Number of pages: 315

Time period: 1800s

Publisher and price: Barbour, $12.99

My overall opinion: I hadn’t really read anything else by MaryLu Tyndall before, but I saw her books
reviewed throughout the Christian fiction blogging world, so I knew I’d better give this one a try when it came up for review. And I’m glad I did! It’s unlike anything else I’ve ever read. The time period (1866, to be exact) isn’t that strange, but the setting (mostly jungle in Brazil) is very unique! Magnolia, the leading lady, is a real pain at times, and I empathized with Hayden’s struggles with her, but she was quite funny and made me laugh several times – always good. I didn’t love her, ‘tis true, but I certainly enjoyed getting to know her. The whole book is packed with enthralling adventures, and I loved the humor through-out! This book does work very well as a stand-alone, though I would like to read book 1, as it has interesting information (pretty sure) about earlier events. There was a little spiritual stuff that also unlike anything encountered in other books, and while it didn’t turn me against the book, it was a bit strange…not quite sure what I thought of it. Or how realistic it is. BUT don’t let that deter you from this most enjoyable read!

** and the author sent me this book in return for my honest review. I was not forced to post positively, nor was I recompensed in any other way for this review.**

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