
Friday, January 3, 2014

Blog Tour: Headmistress of Rosemere

Author: Sarah E. Ladd

Genre: Romance

Series: Whispers on the Moors

Number in series: 2nd

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5

Type: Fiction

Number of pages: 311

Time period: 1800s

Publisher and price: Thomas Nelson, $15.99

Passage from book: The opening lines: “There was no doubt in William Sterling’s mind. He was being followed. He was an easy target – now more than ever. He knew better than to travel at such a late hour in the moors, when midnight’s haze shrouded the moon’s gray light and the new-fallen snow gave the illusion of an even terrain. An owl’s mournful cry sliced the night’s uncomfortable silence, and with a sharp click of his tongue, William urged his mount into a faster gait.”

My overall opinion: For some strange reason, this book reminded me of Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, and the more I think about it, the more I realize it does have some similarities. An all-girls’ school; a dark, handsome, and mysterious main man; an older heroine…but this book is lighter than Jane Eyre and a quicker read. It’s packed with extra mystery, some great drama, and a delightful romance as well. Patience is a sweetheart with many admirable qualities, and William (or Sterling) is quite dashing. I recommend this book to fans of Julie Klassen and Murray Pura – anyone interested in a sweet 1800s romance with a healthy dose of mystery. It’s delightful, and Sarah is a wonderful author!

**Sarah Ladd sent me a copy of this book in return for my honest review. I wasn’t forced to review it positively, nor was I recompensed in any other way for this review.**

I have also reviewed Sarah's first book, Heiress of Winterwood. Find that review HERE.

1 comment:

  1. I'm working on my review for this one! I enjoyed it as well!


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