
Saturday, February 26, 2011

CD: Fellowship of the Ring

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9.5
Singer: Enya sings some.
Type of music: Soundtrack
Composer: Howard Shore
From the movie: Fellowship of the Ring from the Lord of the Rings trilogy by Tolkien
List of songs:
  • The Prophecy
  • Concerning Hobbits
  • The Shadow of the Past
  • The Treason of Isengard
  • The Black Rider
  • At the Sign of the Prancing Pony
  • A Knife in the Dark
  • Flight to the Ford
  • Many Meetings
  • The Council of Elrond (featuring the theme for Aragorn and Arwen), composed and permformed by Enya
  • The Ring Goes South
  • A Journey in the Dark
  • The Bridge of Khazad Dum
  • Lothlorien
  • The Great River
  • Amon Hen
  • The Breaking of the Fellowship
  • May It Be, composed and performed by Enya
My overall opinion: I love this CD! Just got it within the past week. Highly recommended.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Special Post: Book Excerpt

Yes, it's a special post! As y'all know, I just finished reading What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew, a truly delightful book about Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, and everything happening in their books. But if you want to know more about that book, click here.

Let me just say, whenever a passage in a book is particulary readable (in other words, it's a delightful description of food, clothes, landscape, etc) I read it out loud. I love reading aloud. :) So here I am, posting one section that I couldn't resist and that should give you an idea of the tremendous amount of food at a dinner party in the 1800's. :) Enjoy! Oh wait a sec. Okay. I found this description in the book before mentioned, but they got it straight from something called London at Dinner, which might be a magazine or a book, I have no idea. To find it in your book (WJAACDK), look up page 75. :) Here we go.

A delicate soup and turtle are handed around -- nothing on the tables except flowers and preserved fruits in old Dresden baskets, a bill of fare placed next to every person, a turbot with lobster and Dutch sauces, carved by an able domestic on the side-board, and a portion of red mullet with Cardinal sauce are offered to every guest; cucumber and the essential cruet stands bringing up the rear. The 'flying dishes,' as the modern cooks call the oyster of marrow pates, follow the fish. The entrees are carried round, a supreme de volaille aux truffes, a sweet-bread au jus, lamb cutlets, with asparagus, peas, a fricandeau a l'oseille . . . . Either venison, roast saddle of mutton, or stewed beef a la jardiniere, are then produced, the accessories being salad, beetroot, vegetables, French and English mustard. A Turkey poult, duckling, or green goose, commences the second course, peas and asparagus following in their course; plovers' eggs in aspic jelly, a mayonaise of fowl succeeding; a macedoine of fruit, meringues a la creme, a marasquino jelly, and a chocolate cream, form the sweets. Sardines, salad, beetroot, celery, anchovies, plain butter and cheese, for those who are gothic enough to eat it. Two ices, cherry-water and pineapple cream, with the fruit of the season, furnish the dessert. Two servants or more, according to the number of the party, must attend exclusively to the wine; sherry, Madeira, and champagne, must ever be flowing during dinner.

Phew! Those people ate a lot! Now for some etiquette for ladies.

  1. If unmarried and under thirty, she is never to be in the company of a man without a chaperone. Except for a walk to church or a park in the early morning, she may not walk alone but should always be accompanied by another lady, a man, or a servant. An even more restrictive view is that "if she cannot walk with her younger sisters and their governesses, or the maid cannot be spared to walk with her, she had better stay at home or confine herself to the garden."
  2. Under no circumstances may a lady call on a gentleman alone unless she is consulting that gentleman on a professional or business matter.
  3. A lady does not wear pearls or diamonds in the morning.
  4. A lady never dances more than three dances with the same partner.
  5. A lady should never "cut" someone, that is to say, fail to acknowledge their presence after encountering them socially, unless it is absolutely necessary. By the same token, only a lady is ever truly justified in cutting someone: "a cut is only excusable when men persist in bowing whose acquaintance a lady does not wish to keep up." Upon the approach of the offender, a simple stare of silent iciness should suffice; followed, if necessary, by a "cold bow, which discourages familiarity without offering insult," and departure forthwith. To remark, "Sir, I have not the honour of your acquaintance" is a very extreme measure and is a weapon that should be deployed only as a last resort.
Those were from pages 55-56. Very interesting, yes? We have changed so much! There is much more from this book that I would love to include, but that would result in an even longer post, so. Comment and tell me what you thought!

Wind Chill

Author: Jerry B. Jenkins, Chris Fabry
Genre: Mystery, adventure
Series: Red Rock Mysteries
Number in series: 14th
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 226
Time period: Present
Main characters: Bryce, Ashley
Exciting events: Being lost in a snowstorm, criminals, more!
Passage from book: As I turned to go inside, Lynette appeared at the door, her eyes as wide as soccer balls. "You'd better come see this."
My overall opinion: A good one. :) Only one book to go after this!

Hidden Riches

Author: Jerry B. Jenkins, Chris Fabry
Genre: Adventure, mystery
Series: Red Rock Mysteries
Number in series: 13th
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 249
Time period: Present
Main characters: Bryce, Ashley
Exciting events: Four-wheeler chases, kidnapping, sleepovers
Passage from book: I ran toward the train, but Steve was on me in seconds. I don't know why Ashley and I can never find slow criminals or ones who limp, but I guess that's our lot in life. .... He pulled me up, held my arms behind me, and tossed my cell phone to Carla.
My overall opinion: :) Happy. Good book.

Hollywood Holdup

Author: Jerry B. Jenkins and Chris Fabry
Genre: Adventure, mystery
Series: Red Rock Mysteries
Number in series: 12th
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 208
Time period: Present
Main characters: Bryce, Ashley
Exciting events: Halloween, crash, thieves, more!
Passage from book: I headed for the kitchen phone. That's when I saw a man standing by the fridge, waving a gun. He had pale skin, curly hair that stuck out at all different angles, a wide nose, a half-shaven face, and dark circles under his eyes....he...told Bryce, "Leave the dog outside."
My overall opinion: A good book. :)

Test Post!

Please be so kind as to completely ignore this post. :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

What Jane Austen Ate and Charles Dickens Knew

Author: Daniel Pool
Genre: Life?
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5
Type: Non-fiction
Number of pages: 394
Time period: 1800's
My overall opinion: A fun fun book! I should mention first, before I elaborate on just how fun this is, that there is a section of several pages titled "Sex." Mom tore this section out, so I haven't read it, but I am quite sure that it's got information that we really don't need to know. So, I'm just warning you. However, everything else in this book is so fun! Sprinkled throughout are liberal references to works of Jane Austen and Charles Dickens, and various other authors from this time period.

You learn about society, who leads off dances, what is eaten at dinner parties, what men wear, what women wear (very intersting!), how much money was worth, who was in power and what they could do, the ranks of titled people and how to seat them at a dinner party, where Yorkshire is, what the poorhouse was, what debtor's prison was, how the English stayed clean, what the rank of servants was, what servants wore and did in a day, and Much Much more. Much more. Lots more. And that's just the first 1/2!

The rest of the book is a giant glossary. It tells you what a hostler is (takes care of horses at inns), who a nob is (someone with a good deal of status), what a conventicle is (a term for a meeting of dissenters), and many more! For example: facing, lieutenant general, petty sessions, Piccadilly, pinchbeck, round game, and more! If you desperately want to know what any of those ending words/phrases mean, say so. :)

All in all: a great book!

Song: Introduction, the Lilac Fairy

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5
Type of music: Classical, ballet
Composer: Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky
From the movie: The Nutcracker. Well, it's in the movies, but it was originally for the ballet. Which the movie is a ballet, but it was for the in-person ballet. If that makes any sense?!?!?
Length: 3:32
My overall opinon: Such a pretty song. :) Recommended, definitely!

The Silmarillion

Author: J. R. R. Tolkien
Genre: Fantasy
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 7
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 365
Time period: Fantasy
Main characters: ?????
Exciting events: The forming of Middle Earth, I think
My overall opinion: Well. It's the book that Tolkien considered his best. I found it boring in many parts, and rather confusing. The edition I have includes the Silmarillion (the primary story) and a number of shorter narratives. The one called Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age was quite interesting. It's all the history stuff about Sauron and the making of the rings and Mithrandir aka Gandalf's travels before the hobbits became primary to the story. Personally, I prefer Tolkien's other books, but this one was okay. Just be warned that it takes perseverance to read! Oh, I almost forgot to mention that there is a huge index at the end with all kinds of names and places and several family trees. That was interesting. :) One other interesting thing: Sauron and his overlord (as in, over Sauron) had an army that included multiple Balrogs. Scary.

Song: Concerning Hobbits

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9.5
Type of music: Soundtrack
Composer: Howard Shore
From the movie: Fellowship of the Ring, Lord of the Rings trilogy
Length: 2:56
My overall opinion: This is one of my favorite songs on the Fellowship of the Ring CD. :) It has the theme of the whole movie in it, and it's one of the few really bright and cheerful songs on here. I love it!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Author: Louis L'Amour
Genre: Western. :) Of course.
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 169
Time period: 1800's
Main characters: Shalako, Tats-ah-das-ay-go, Irina, von Halstatt
Exciting events: Gun fights, escapes, more
Passage from book: Shalako rolled to his knees. Unable to judge the position of the Indian in the darkness, he risked everything and slashed across in front of him, and felt the tip of the blade catch flesh. There was a muffled gasp and an iron grip seized his wrist. Using the powerful muscles of his bent legs, Shalako straightened sharply, jerking the arm up and tearing it free. Instantly he smashed down with a closed fist and felt it thud against flesh....
My overall opinion: A thrilling Louis. I should mention that in pretty much any book by Louis L'Amour, there is some mild swearing. D---, and occasionally God's name in vain. And often a kiss or two, though not really graphically described. Just sayin'.


Author: Sir Walter Scott
Genre: Adventure
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 435
Time period: 1200
Main characters: Ivanhoe, Black Knight, Rebecca, Rowena (hate that name!), John, Front-de-Boeuf, more
Exciting events: Battles between knights and so much more!
Passage from book: A fight between knights is as follows: The trumpets had no sooner given the signal, than the champions vanished from their posts with the speed of lightning, and closed in the center of the lists with the shcok of a thunderbolt. The lances burst into shivers up to the very grasp, and it seemed at the moment that both knights had fallen, for the shock made each horse recoil backwards upon its haunches. The address of the riders recovered their steeds by use of the bridle and spur; and having glared on each other for an instant with eyes which seemed to flash fire through the bars of their visors, each made a demi-volte, and, retiring to the extremity of the lists, received a fresh lance from the attendents.
My overall opinion: A good book. I had trouble getting into it at first...but by the time I was 2/3 through, I was interested. There is a good movie that corresponds with the book, you can find a bit more out about the movie on my Favorite Movies page.  

Song: Narnian Lullaby

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9.5
Type of music: Sleepy. :) or...played on a pipe of some sort, rather reedy
Composer: Harry Gregson-Williams
From the movie: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe
Length: 1:13
Lyrics: None.
My overall opinon: This is one of my favorite songs. It's quite addictive, so to speak. :)

Special event!

Whoa, two posts in a row that aren't reviews! This one is to inform you all of a spectacular event starting in May at the blog, Elegance of Fashion. It begins in March. Click here to learn more about this exciting and fun event! Also, note the button for the event on my sidebar! Have fun!


Nope, this isn't a book review about some happy book called Happy. That would be a rather delightful title...anyway. This post is because I am happy! Why? Because my Barnes and Noble order came! I got a boxed set of Jane Austen's, including Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility, and Persuasion. I got the soundtrack CD of the Fellowship of the Ring movie from the Lord of the Rings trilogy. And I got The Taming of the Shrew movie, based on Shakespeare's story. Yay! Happy. :) Pictures will be coming on Photographer at Heart this weekend!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Movie: Enchanted

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8
Main characters: Giselle, Edward, Robert, Morgan
Genre: Fantasy
Primary actors: Amy Adams, Patrick Dempsey, James Marsden
Length: 1 hour, 40 minutes
Time period: Fantasy, present
Exciting events: A dragon, a chase
Year it came out: 2007
My overall opinion: This is a fun movie! Very romantic, even more cheesy - but interesting and good for watching a time or two.

CD: Josh Groban

That's the title of the CD, just Josh Groban.
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9
Singer: Josh Groban
Type of music: Opera
List of songs:
  • Alla Luce Del Sole
  • Gira Con Me Questa Notte
  • You're Still You
  • Cinama Paradiso (Se)
  • To Where You Are
  • Alejate
  • Canto Alla Vita
  • Let Me Fall
  • Vincent (Starry, Starry Night)
  • Un Amore Per Sempre
  • Home to Stay
  • Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring
  • The Prayer (with Charlotte Church)
My overall opinion: I've really enjoyed this CD a lot, lately. The "You're Still You" song has especially been a favorite of mine. To find a youtube of "The Prayer," click the Charlotte Church link under this post and find the post about her Prelude CD.

At the Edge of the Village

Author: Lisa Leidenfrost
Genre: Missions
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 7.5
Type: Non-fiction
Number of pages: 201
Time period: Present
Main characters: Lisa, Csaba, their kids
Exciting events: Climbing guinea pigs ;)
My overall opinion: A good book about missionary life in Africa! This industrious woman has four children, whom she homeschools, plus miscellaneous chickens and guinea pigs. A fun read. :)

The Man From Shadow Ridge

Author: Brock and Bodie Thoene
Genre: Western, adventure
Series: Saga of the Sierras
Number in series: 1st
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 239
Time period: Civil War
Main characters: Jesse, Tom, Emily, Nathan, Byrd Guidett, Mullins
Exciting events: Kidnapping, caves (always exciting. ;)
Passage from book: Down the boys plunged, on a steeply slanted narrow rock path. Here the floor was slick with moisture coming from the nearby underground stream. With no time to pick their way, the boys skidded around corners and slammed into rocks. From behind them they could hear a keening sound: "I'll found 'em for ya. Just you wait here a spell. I'll bring 'em back."
My overall opinion: This was a good one! I really enjoy the Thoenes' writing style. Isn't it funny I'm reading two series at once that have the word "saga" in the series name AND are around the Civil War? Very interesting. This one was very good.

Where Honor Dwells

Author: Gilbert Morris
Genre: Romance, life
Series: The Appomattox Saga
Number in series: 3rd
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 355
Time period: Civil War
Main characters: Vince, Jake, Rachel
Exciting events: Mistaken identity...
Passage from book: "No! No!" Excitement brightened Vince's eyes and he leaned forward and whispered, "You don't have to do that. You take my place! Don't you see?" He suddenly slapped his hands together, exclaiming, "Jake, remember what that purser on the boat did? He took you for me! We look that much alike."
My overall opinion: It was a very good book, and I think you'd enjoy it. :) I'm really enjoying this series (3  books to go!). It was the best one I've read yet by Gilbert Morris.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

CD: Prelude: the Best of Charlotte Church

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9
Singer: Charlotte Church
Type of music: Opera?
From the movie: There is a piece on here from A Beautiful Mind, but technically it's not from a movie.
List of songs:
  • Pie Jesu
  • My Lagan Love
  • In Trutina
  • Panis Angelicus
  • Amazing Grace
  • Just Wave Hello
  • La Pastorella
  • She Moved Through the Fair
  • Ave Maria
  • Dream a Dream (duet with Billy Gilman)
  • The Flower Duet
  • Habanera
  • The Prayer (duet with Josh Groban)
  • All Love Can Be (from Beautiful Mind)
  • It's the Heart that Matters Most
  • Tantum Ergo
  • Sancta Maria
My overall opinon: There are some Charlotte Church songs that aren't so good. As she's gotten older, I'm afraid she's gone downhill. :( However, these songs are all very good! My favorite is The Prayer (sung with Josh Groban). It's a beautiful song. Habanera is also a cool one. I recommend this CD!
Please, always let me know if the youtube movie I post isn't what I appear to have thought it was so that I can remedy it as fast as possible!

Nothing Daunted

The Story of Isobel Kuhn

Author: Gloria Repp
Genre: Missions
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 7.5
Type: Non-fiction
Number of pages: 166
Time period: 1930's
Main characters: Isobel, John
Exciting events: Many!
My overall opinion: A good missionary story. Isobel Kuhn was a missionary to the Lisu people of China. Recommended read!

North and South

Author: Elizabeth Gaskell
Genre: Romance, life
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 415
Time period: 1800's
Main characters: Margaret, Mr. Thornton, the Hales, Bessy, Higgins
Exciting events: A strike, a death, several deaths, and more
Passage from book or back cover: "One word more. You look as if you thought it tainted you to be loved by me. You cannot avoid it. Nay, I, if I would, cannot cleanse you from it. But I would not, if I could. I have never loved any woman before: my life has been too busy, my thoughts too much absorbed with other things. Now I love, and will love. But do not be afraid of too much expression on my part."
My overall opinion: You know what? I enjoyed this book. I wasn't really expecting to, simply because I really don't like the movie much. But having read the book for this second time, I think that I need to see the movie again. I recommend this book!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Bowdrie's Law

Author: Louis L'Amour
Genre: Western
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5
Type: Fiction, short stories
Number of pages: 214
Time period: 1800's
Main characters: Chick Bowdrie
Exciting events: Gun fights, fist fights, etc.
Passage from book: The heavy rifle leaped in his hands, firing right into the false front of the building. A pistol bullet would penetrate several inches of pine at that distance, and the .56 caliber Spencer would not be impeded by the half-inch boards on the front opposite.
My overall opinion: Mmm...this was a good one. A collection of short stories, featuring Chick Bowdrie.

Movie: The Music Box

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9.5
Main characters: Laurel, Hardy
Genre: Comedy
Series or set: Well, it's sort of in a series of short movies. But it's not a series, more a set.
Primary actors: Stan Laurel, Oliver Hardy
Length: 30 minutes
Time period: 1930's
Exciting events: Several, to say the least.
Quote(s): Walk around? Me? Professor Theodore Von Schwarzenhoffer? M.D., A.D., D.D.S., F.L.D., F.F.F. und F. should walk around? Get that thing out of the way! Go on, out of the way!
Year it came out: 1932
My overall opinion: Many people think this is Laurel and Hardy's best film. I've gotta admit, it's definitely on of the best ones! It is absolutely hilarious and even the youngest person will be able to see the humor! It's almost painful to watch. Hightly recommended!

Song: Alla Luce Del Sole

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5
Singer: Josh Groban
Type of music: Classic, opera?
Length: About 4 minutes, I think
My overall opinion: It's a very nice song! I like JG's singing better than his looks, FYI.

Faith's Reward

Author: Tammy Barley
Genre: Life
Series: The Sierra Chronicles
Number in series: 3rd
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 342
Time period: 1800's, Civil War
Main characters: Jess, Jake
Exciting events: Fight in mine! Tell me that's not exciting! And more

Passage from book: Ross was too heavy. Jess looked down, kicked toward his hands. Another chain link slipped past her hands. She couldn't hold on. She felt Abbott's sweaty hands on her arm, trying to pull her from the edge. Just as she glanced up at Abbott, he lost his grip...
My overall opinion: Did that excerpt leave you hanging? It was supposed to. ;) So now you want to read it, of course. I wasn't able to read the first two books first, but this one was definitely very good! Hopefully I'll get to read the others soon. I'll try to do more excerpts...from other books in future reviews.

Return of the King

Author: J. R. R. Tolkien
Genre: Fantasy
Series: Lord of the Rings
Number in series: 3rd
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 385 of story, 544 in all, counting appendixes and glossary
Time period: Fantasy
Main characters: Pretty much the same ones as in the other movies
Exciting events: Tons!
My overall opinion: A good book, and stunning ending. The movie is also great! You can find it by clicking the Return of the King label.

Movie: The Return of the King

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9
Main characters: All the ones in Two Towers and Fellowship of the Ring.
Genre: Fantasy
Series or set: Lord of the Rings
Number in series: 3rd
Primary actors: Elijah Wood, Ian McKellen,
Length: About 3 hours.
Based on: The Return of the King by J. R. R. Tolkien
Time period: Fantasy
Exciting events: Lots and lots and lots
Year it came out: 2003
My overall opinion: A terrific movie. The wonderful grand finale for the movie trilogy.

Please go and check out my updated review from 2013!

Two Towers

Author: J. R. R. Tolkien
Genre: Fantasy
Series: Lord of the Rings
Number in series: 2nd
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 443
Time period: Fantasy
Main characters: Frodo, Sam, Pippin, Merry, Gandalf, Saruman, Gollum, orcs in general, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Sauron, Shelab (sp?)
Exciting events: Too many to name!
My overall opinion: A great book. Tolkien's imagination is amazing, and the characters are great. And let me recommend the movie, as well. :) You can find a review of the movie by clicking the Two Towers label at the bottom here.

Literary Tag

Okay, I'm doing something special. That is, it's not a book review, it's not a movie, song, or CD review. It's a tag! I got it from here, where it isn't technically a tag, but a whole blog event! However, since I'm not doing all the questions, I'm not technically participating in the event. But I couldn't pass up some of the questions, so I'll answer them here. If you would like to do this tag, feel free to! I would love to see it on YOUR blog. :) Or, if you're one of my friends who doesn't have a blog, you could just email the answers to me, I'm sure I'd enjoy it! Here we go!

1. Share (up to) four heroines of literature that you most admire and relate to: Mmm, interesting. Well, I love Pride and Prejudice's Lizzy Bennet. And Jo March from Little Women. I love Marion from Crimson Roses, and Emma from Emma. Which one am I most similar to? Or do I relate most to? Probably Jo. I admire all of them. :)

2. Share five of your favorite historical novels: Keeper of the Light by Patty Metzer, The Cat of Bubastes by G. A. Henty, Mara, Daughter of the Nile by ????, the A. D. Chronicles series by the Thoenes, and other Henty's. :) It's hard to think of them!

3. Out of those five books, who is your favorite character and why? I really like Kaytra, from Keeper of the Light. She was a unique and interesting main character.

4. What is your favorite time period and culture to read about? The 1800's, England. I'll bet you guessed I'd say that, right?

5. If you were to attend a party where each guest was to portray a heroine of literature, who would you select to represent? Oh, that's hard! I would love to be a Jane Austen character, so maybe Lizzy or Emma. But I'm not very like either of them...I should probably be Eleanor from Sense and Sensibility, since I'm most like her.

6. What are your sentiments on the subject of chocolate? I like this question. I LOVE CHOCOLATE. Especially dark chocolate. Maybe...70%, or there about. It's very good. My sentiments...I could eat it all day!

7. Favorite author(s)? So many. Jane Austen (of course!), Louisa May Alcott, Brock and Bodie Thoene, Grace Livingston Hill, L. M. Montgomery, Janette Oke, Louis L'Amour, C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien.  many many more. By the way, did you know that Tolkien's initials stand for John Ronald Reuel Tolkien? Interesting. :)

8. As a small, imaginative, red-haired damsel might query: would you rather be divinely beautiful, dazzlingly clever, or angelically good? Why? Oh dear. I've always 1/2 dreaded this question. Each has its pros and cons. Angelically good people can be very boring. And prudish. Beautiful people are sometimes stuck-up. And clever people have the same problem. Hmmm...I think I'd go for dazzlingly clever. That could be very handy.

9. In which century were most of the books you read written? Oh that's hard. Not. The 19th century, definitely.

10. In your opinion, the ultimate hero in literature is... Mr. Darcy. He's terrible at first, really terrible, but so handsome (in the 1995 movie) and says such quoteable lines. And he proposes while dressed nicely (in the 1995, but not 2005 :(), unlike Mr. Thornton (North and South). I like men to at least be fully and neatly dressed when proposing.

11. Have you ever wanted to change a character's name? Yes. But I can't think of any. I'm not too crazy about Marion's name in Crimson Roses. I guess it's okay. But surely GLH could have thought up something more romantic.

12. In your opinon, the most dastardly villain in all literature is... Mr. Wickham. So silky on the outside, so terrible within.

13. Three favorite non-fiction books? The Triangle Fire by David von Drehle, Triangle by Leon Stein, and I can't remember the other one. :( The books I named are very sad books, but also very interesting. I might post about the Triangle fire on Photographer at Heart sometime. And of course, the Bible is a given. An obvious addition to my list. One so obvious that I didn't even feel like I needed to state it. :)

Did you like these questions? Want to answer some or all? Feel free to do it on your blog! I'd LOVE to see your answers. :) Don't forget to leave me a comment and tell me you did it, if I don't follow you yet! Have fun!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Escaping Darkness

Author: Jerry B. Jenkins, Chris Fabry
Genre: Mystery
Series: Red Rock Mysteries
Number in series: 10
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 7.5
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 224
Time period: Present
Main characters: Bryce, Ashley
Exciting events: Hidden people...
My overall opinion: A fun one. :)

Windy City Danger

Author: Jerry B. Jenkins, Chris Fabry
Genre: Mystery
Series: Red Rock Mysteries
Number in series: 11
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 234
Time period: Present
Main characters: Ashley, Bryce
Exciting events: Baseball game, chase, mysterious disappearance
My overall opinion: I enjoyed this one.

Instant Menace

Author: Jerry B. Jenkins, Chris Fabry
Genre: Mystery
Series: Red Rock Mysteries
Number in series: 9
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 7.5
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 234
Time period: Present
Main characters: Bryce, Ashley
Exciting events: Bullies and principles and more!
My overall opinion: A fun book. :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Red Ink

Author: Kathi Macias
Genre: Faith
Series: Extreme Devotion series
Number in series: 3rd
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 313
Time period: Present
Main characters: Zhen-Li, Maggie, Julia
Exciting events: Kidnapping, beating, more!
My overall opinion: While it hasn't become my favorite book ever, it was a good one. It's several stories in one. It is NOT a children's book. The stories in it are twined together. One is about a Chinese Christian, who is in prison for her faith. One is a young girl heavily involved in drugs and worse things. And one is an older woman in a nursing home. Maggie, the young girl, her story especially is not for kids. While there is nothing really explicit, it's not a book for the young. However, everything ends happily. Each of the three main characters accepts God by the end. Ugh, I'm not happy with how that sounds, but I don't know how to change it. Sorry!

The Wizard in the Tree

Author: Lloyd Alexander
Genre: Fantasy
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8
Type: Fiction, children's book
Number of pages: 157
Time period: Fantasy
Main characters: Mallory, Arbican
Exciting events: Magical events, more!
My overall opinion: A fun book. :)

Where the Wild Rose Blooms

Author: Lori Wick
Genre: Romance
Series: Rocky Mountain Memories series
Number in series: 1st
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 342
Time period: 1800's
Main characters: Clayton, Jackie, Robert, Eddie
Exciting events: Blindness
My overall opinion: I really enjoyed this book!

We Two

Author: Gillian Gill
Genre: Biography
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 6.5
Type: Non-fiction
Number of pages: 383, more including notes, glossary, etc.
Time period: 1800's
Main characters: Victoria, Albert
My overall opinion: It was interesting. They included some personal details that could have been left out, but overall, it was very interesting to "get to know" Victoria and Albert.

Monday, February 14, 2011

CD: Pride and Prejudice

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 10
Type of music: Soundtrack
Composer: Carl Davis
From the movie: the 1995 Pride and Prejudice
List of songs:
  • Pride and Prejudice (opening title music)
  • Dance Montage
  • Elizabeth Observed
  • Piano Summary (Episode One)
  • Canon Collins
  • Piano Summary (Episode Two)
  • The Gardiners
  • Winter Into Spring
  • Parting
  • Rosings
  • Piano Summary (Episode Three)
  • Telling the Truth
  • Farewell to the Regiment
  • Pemberley
  • Darcy Returns
  • Piano Summary (Episode Four)
  • Thinking about Lizzy
  • Lydia's Elopement
  • Piano Summary (Episode Five)
  • Lydia's Wedding
  • Return of Bingley
  • Darcy's Second Proposal
  • Double Wedding
  • Finale
My overall opinion: I love this CD. A disappointment is that it doesn't have the dance songs, other than the 48 second Dance Montage. However, the piano summaries are fun. I think that the youtube is opening music?

Song: May It Be

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9.5
Singer: Enya
Type of music: Celtic?
From the movie: It's the credit music for The Fellowship of the Ring, the first Lord of the Rings movie.
Length: 3:32
My overall opinion: I like this song. I think Enya wrote it herself too.

A Higher Call

Author: Harold Bell Wright
Genre: Life, story with a moral
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 7
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: 297
Time period: Early 1900's
Main characters: Dan, Hope
Exciting events: A terrible elder, a few other things
My overall opinion: A good book with a moral. Not my favorite ever, but it's good.

The Fellowship of the Ring

Author: J. R. R. Tolkien
Genre: Fantasy, adventure
Series: Lord of the Rings
Number in series: First
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9
Type: Fiction
Number of pages: Slightly over 500

Time period: Fantasy
Main characters: Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin, Gandalf, the Balrog, Aragorn/Strider, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli
Exciting events: Gandalf's fall, much much more
My overall opinion: A great book! The movie is great too. :)