
Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Movie: X-Men: The Last Stand

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8

Genre: Superhero, adventure, fantasy

Series or set: X-Men

Number in series: I think it’s a conclusion. Except it’s not. But it is too. … It’s complicated.

Primary actors: Hugh Jackman, Ian McKellen, Halle Berry, James Marsden

Length: An hour and 3/4

Based on: the Marvel comics.

Time period: Future / present.

Rating: PG-13

Year it came out: 2006

My overall opinion: Enjoyable! I loved seeing Ian McKellen as something other than Gandalf – though he does totally amazingly wonderfully completely ace that particular row. But. He was really cool as Magneto. Even if he was a bad guy. As to everyone else…Hugh Jackman was amazing yet again. And this movie was pretty good if you like sci-fi/action types! I do. And I thoroughly enjoyed this one.


Movie: X-Men: First Class

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8

Genre: Superhero, adventure, fantasy

Series or set: X-Men

Number in series:  Well, this one goes way back to the beginning…I know that…

Primary actors: James McAvoy, Jennifer Lawrence, January Jones

Length: A little over two hours

Based on: the Marvel comics.

Time period: 1960s…ish…I think…

Rating: PG-13

Year it came out: 2011

My overall opinion: Well, here’s the problem of the day – I watched this on TV. Which for me? Is weird because I never watch movies on TV. Because I was watching with a lot of people, I was also slightly distracted. So. I know I watched this movie and enjoyed it. However, I couldn’t give you much of a storyline…just didn’t pick up on that. However. Having given that disclaimer, I’ll admit that I thought it good! Note that it is PG-13...check for reasons why. Again, the visual effects were stunning, the action was constant and riveting, and it was an enjoyable film. And also. I'm super excited for X-Men: Days of Future Past. :D May 2014!

Movie: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5

Genre: Superhero, fantasy, adventure

Series or set: X-Men

Number in series: Unknown – I can’t figure out the order for all of these X-Men movies.

Primary actors: Hugh Jackman (!!!!), Liev Schreiber, Danny Huston

Length: Two hours

Based on: Marvel comic books, I think.

Time period: Mostly present.

Rating: PG-13

Year it came out: 2009

My overall opinion: This was my very first introduction and going into it, I had absolutely no idea what X-Men was/were/are or what this movie was about. However, having seen this, I was eager to continue watching X-Men movies, and have continued steadily. :) Any Hugh Jackman fans out there? Yeah, thought there might a few. Well, you’ve gotta see this one! It’s amazing. There’s a little violence in a few places, and especially one of the opening scenes was…not nice. I didn’t like it. But for the most part, this was an enjoyable movie, especially the last half hour or so. And Wolverine has a really cool superpower. I've been flexing my fists for blades yet. So it goes. Anyway. Great graphics, fast-paced storyline…kept me riveted.

Movie: Legally Blonde 2: Red, White, & Blonde

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8

Genre: Chick flick

Series or set: Sequel to Legally Blonde

Primary actors: Reese Witherspoon, Sally Field

Length: Two hours

Time period: Present

Year it came out: 2003

My overall opinion: Way too much pink. That’s what I think. An interesting story, though I enjoyed the first more. But this one…I was feeling a little over-pink by the end of it all. Because EVERYTHING was pink. I’m not that fond of pink to begin with…and definitely not by the end. BUT. That being said. Not a bad sort of movie. I watched the whole thing and enjoyed it for the most part.

Movie: Avengers

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9 (high)

Genre: Superhero, adventure

Series or set: Well, it fits right in with Captain America and Thor and Iron Man and probably Incredible Hulk…am I forgetting anyone? But I don’t think it’s REALLY a series.

Primary actors: Chris Hemsworth, Robert Downey Jr, Chris Evans, Gwyneth Paltrow

Length: 2 ½ hours

Time period: Present

Year it came out: 2012

My overall opinion: This. Was a good movie. And I’m so glad I finally got to see it! It was lovely to see Captain America again, and Thor was certainly an entertaining character here as well. Iron Man was amazing, but I didn’t really like Incredible Hulk…something about him…oh well. This movie was packed with mystery and intrigue and dare-devil adventures and stunts and action-packed moments and all manner of exciting things. Enjoyed it plentily, and will most certainly watch it again, given opportunity!

Movie: My Big Fat Greek Wedding

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8

Genre: Chick-flick, family (yeah…this movie has a lot of family…just sayin’), comedy

Primary actors: A lot of Greek people…

Length: Two hours

Time period: Present. Or maybe the 80s? Or 90s? Hereabouts.

Year it came out: 2002

My overall opinion: I had very high hopes for this movie considering how popular it is, but was a little disappointed. The comedy wasn’t bad, indeed, the movie overall wasn’t bad. But I didn’t LOVE it or find it super outstanding. It was good. It wasn’t awesome. And I don’t desperately want to watch it again. However, I’m glad I did see it once – and while I’d say that you don’t really need to see it, you probably won’t hate it. Unless you hate chick-flicks. Then, never mind.

Movie: Man of Steel

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9

Genre: Superhero, adventure

Series or set: Are there gonna be more superhero Superman movies, y’all?

Primary actors: Amy Adams, Russell Crowe, Henry Cavill

Length: Two hours and a bit

Based on: The old comics and movies, I suppose!

Time period: Fantasy, present

Year it came out: 2013

My overall opinion: So I got to see this movie in IMAX back in July, and while IMAX didn’t become my new favorite thing…okay, I didn’t really notice anything different. I don’t go to movies often enough to notice. But. This movie was pretty awesome. The scenes filmed in the other world were amazing, and so were the ones from here on Earth. The action scenes were pretty amazing and basically really awesome. The CG was stunning. This movie is a cinematographic work of art – ummm, does that sentence make any sense? You get the idea. :) It was good and I look forward to seeing it on DVD at some point!

Movie: Legally Blonde

Before I even continue this…let’s stop. Just stop. I can see all those surprised faces. “She watched ‘Legally Blond’?” Yes. I did. I’m in college now and my roommate loves chick-flicks, so I’ll be watching quite a few probably. You are warned. And now that we have that out of the way, let’s begin.

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5 high

Genre: Chick-flick

Series or set: There is a Legally Blond 2 but it’s not really a series. (edit: having now seen Legally Blonde 2 yes it is a series watch them in order. That's all.)

Primary actors: Reese Witherspoon

Length: Two hours

Time period: Present

Year it came out: 2001

My overall opinion: Let me just start by saying that if chick-flicks aren’t your thing, don’t watch this. Because it’s totally a chick-flick. Secondly, be warned – there are some inappropriate things, language, innuendo, etc. You can no-doubt find a full list on IMDB or another movie review type site. However, barring those things – this was a really fun movie that I greatly enjoyed! It had humor that was funny, interesting people, and while rather superfluous (ummm, hello – it’s a chick-click) it was a fairly good movie that I have no objection to seeing again. Also, Reese Witherspoon is super cute. And blond. And ditzy. And smart. And crazy. And wears a great deal of pink.

Movie: Iron Man 3

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9

Genre: Superhero, adventure

Series or set: Iron Man

Number in series: 3rd (to be watched after Avengers)

Primary actors: Robert Downey Jr, Gwyneth Paltrow, Don Cheadle

Length: 2 ½ hours

Time period: Present

Year it came out: 2013 (my first 2013 movie to see!)

My overall opinion: My first superhero movie to see in theater! And boy was it something. Besides the fact that I went with awesome friends, the movie certainly didn’t disappoint! Some of it was a little freaky (orange eyes are always freaky…except on some animals…) so I definitely wouldn’t recommend it for younger kids – these superhero movies aren’t for kids. But that being said! I intend to see this once it’s on DVD! Some people are saying that some places weren’t quite smooth…they may be right. I don’t notice that unless it’s a glaring error. Personally? I thought it had a good story, great CGI, quick-moving plot, a handsome hero and adorable girl-friend for him, breath-taking stunts, any number of scenes that are so wide-sweeping as to be best seen in theater…all in all, it was a stunner.

Movie: Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9

Genre: Mystery, adventure

Series or set: Sherlock Holmes

Number in series: 2nd

Primary actors: Robert Downey Jr.

Length: Two hours

Based on: The original stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Time period: 1800s (and London, I believe! fascinating)

Year it came out: 2011

My overall opinion: This right here, y’all? A good movie that I really enjoyed. It had a lot of action and yes, a little violence – be warned. The camera seemed well done (wow, isn’t that an amateur way to put it!). The sets and costumes and all that – amazing. As was the acting. I haven’t seen the first Sherlock, but would recommend this one! It had all kinds of mystery and excitement and adventure and surprising events. Very good!

Movie: The Lake-House

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9

Genre: Chick-flick (be warned, I’m watching chick-flicks now!)

Primary actors: Sandra Bullock, Christopher Plummer

Length: Two hours

Time period: Present – early 2000s

Year it came out: 2006

My overall opinion: Well, it’s sort of a chick flick. It’s actually just one of the sweetest and most romantic stories I’ve seen on screen for a long time. Most of the movie, the main couple isn’t together – they’re just writing letters. There’s an element of time travel, for lack of a better way to describe it. Sandra Bullock is a.m.a.z.i.n.g. I thought. Enjoyed her acting so much! It moved along smoothly and sweetly, but wasn’t really predictable. However, this is totally a movie I’d watch again.

Movie: Iron Man 2

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9

Genre: Superhero, adventure

Series or set: Iron Man

Number in series: 2nd

Primary actors: Robert Downey Jr, Gwyneth Paltrow, Mickey Rourke

Length: Two hours

Time period: Present (future????)

Year it came out: 2010

My overall opinion: As you may recall, I came out of Iron Man 1 feeling pretty apathetic – sure, it was a good movie. I didn’t love it, didn’t hate it. Gave it an 8.  But this one! Now that I finally got to see it, wow, did I ever enjoy it! Tony Stark is definitely growing on me. There were some great scenes and some amazing CGI work. Gwyneth absolutely aced the role of Pepper Potts. All the action sequences were spell-binding. Definitely a movie I’d like to see again!

Movie: She’s the Man

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8 high

Genre: Chick flick 

Primary actors: Amanda Bynes, Channing Tatum, Laura Ramsey

Length: Two hours

Based on: Very loosely on Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night – if you read that, then watch this, there are some similarities in names and such.

Time period: Present

Year it came out: 2006

My overall opinion: So interesting and brilliant! There are a few times when inappropriate things are mentioned, but for the most part, I really enjoyed this fascinating and unique movie. Like I said, it’s loosely based on Twelfth Night. I watched 2/3 of this, read Twelfth Night for my English Lit class, then finally had time to finish this – and was happily surprised by the clear parallels. For a chick flick? Not bad at all. Good comedy, good story.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Movie Review Day

Welcome to Movie Review Day! Coming out every two hours on the evens throughout all of today, September 18, movie reviews! They've built up like crazy over the summer and the beginning of college, and this is the easiest way to publish them all. There's a wide variety of movies coming -- chick flicks and super heroes all in one day. So. Are you ready for something awesome, crazy, and unlike any movie review day or week on Austenitis before? Yay! Let's go!

Find all the posts from today through the link below. It will update as the posts come out. Enjoy, and comment -- I'd love some good discussions!

Friday, September 13, 2013

A Tailor-Made Bride

Author: Karen Witemeyer

Genre: Romance, adventure

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9

Type: Fiction

Number of pages: 348

Time period: 1800s

Publisher and price: Bethany House, $14.99

My overall opinion: This was a lovely light book that I greatly enjoyed! I’m so glad that I finally had the opportunity to read it. Definitely worth obtaining, one way or another! This one is staying on my shelf.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Chosen: the Lost Diaries of Queen Esther

Author: Ginger Garrett

Genre: Romance, life

Series: Lost Loves of the Bible

Number in series: 2nd

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5

Type: Historical fiction

Number of pages: 288

Time period: Bible times

Publisher and price: David C. Cook, $14.99

My overall opinion: This is a very interesting perspective on Queen Esther’s story from her point of view. I quite enjoyed it, and am really glad I had the chance to read it. It was a good book – not perfect accuracy to the Bible, but passable and close enough that I didn’t hate it. It ended up being a fairly quick though enjoyable read for me, and I’ll read it again.

**Thanks to David C. Cook for sending me this book. I wasn’t required (or even requested) to read or review it in any manner. However, all thoughts and opinions are my own.**

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Blog Tour: Stranded

Author: Dani Pettrey

Genre: Suspense

Series: Alaskan Courage

Number in series: 3rd

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 9.5

Type: Fiction

Number of pages: 342

Time period: Present

Publisher and price: Bethany House, $14.99

My overall opinion: Oh so good! Once again, I really loved the setting for this book. Alaska is amazing and I love it there! Dani does a great job describing it all. And also once again, I loved the McKenna family. Getting reacquainted with them was awesome. Darcy and Gage’s story was no disappointment! So much sweetness. And the interaction with the previous couples (Bailey and Cole from Submerged and Piper and Landon from Shattered) was great! I love them all. I can’t wait to read about the remaining McKenna siblings. This is a book well-worth buying!

**Thanks to Dani Pettrey for my copy of this book. I wasn’t required to post a positive review, and wasn’t recompensed in any way for this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.**

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Revell Blog Tour: Welcome to Last Chance

Author: Cathleen Armstrong

Genre: Life, family

Series: A Place to Call Home

Number in series: 1st

My rating on a 1-10 scale: 8.5

Type: Fiction

Number of pages: 284

Time period: Present

Publisher and price: Revell, $13.99

My overall opinion: What a sweet story! This is one of those books…when it arrived, I looked at it and went “Why did I request this one?” But I definitely found it worth my time and am glad I was on the blog tour for it, late though I am. It wasn’t riveting, but it kept me reading the whole way through. I really loved the small town setting – there are always such fascinating people/characters in small towns. Lainie was a gutsy and good heroine, and Ray…well, he was pretty great too. Their interactions were awesome. About my genres…I said life and family. Life is pretty obvious. But family – small towns feel like family. It had a family feel to it. All in all? This was a very enjoyable one-time read.

**Thank you to Revell for my review copy. I wasn’t required to post positively, nor was I paid in any way for this review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.**