Here’s my “official” bio! :)
"Irene Hannon is the author of more than 40 novels, including
the bestselling Heroes of Quantico and Guardians of Justice series. Her books
have been honored with two coveted RITA awards (the “Oscar” of romantic
fiction), a National Readers’ Choice Award, a HOLT Medallion, a Retailers
Choice Award, a Daphne du Maurier Award and two Reviewers’ Choice Awards from
RT Book Reviews magazine. Booklist also named one of her novels a “Top 10
Inspirational Fiction” title for 2011. A former corporate communications
executive with a Fortune 500 company, Irene now writes full time from her home
in Missouri."
That’s all accurate, but it neglects to mention a few
pertinent facts…like my love for long walks, singing/ performing, spending time
with family—and chocolate!
To sum it up in a few words, it’s the story of a tenacious
reporter, a skeptical ex-cop turned PI, and a secret that will shatter lives.
I also have to share some exciting news—just last week,
Amazon named Vanished one of the top 10 January romance releases, along with
books by Danielle Steel and Janet Evanovich!
That is exciting! Readers, check out my review of Vanished here. What gave you the idea for Vanished?
This is usually a difficult question for me to answer,
because I often have a hard time pinpointing the specific source of an idea.
Most stories start as a tiny seed planted because of an article I read or a situation
I observe or a conversation I overhear. In hindsight, I often can’t remember
the triggering incident.
In this case, however, I can tell you the exact moment when
inspiration struck. I was driving home from church one night, when all at once
a bicyclist appeared in my headlights. I swerved to avoid him—then started
what-iffing. What if a woman was driving on a country road at night in a
rainstorm, and her headlights picked up a figure with terrified eyes standing
in the middle of the road? What if she tried to avoid the figure, spun out of
control—but heard a solid thump that told her she’d hit this person? What if,
while dazed, a hooded figure appeared at her window, said he’d seen the accident,
and told her to stay in her car while he checked on the person she’d hit and
called 911? What if she zoned out, then came to an hour later to find no Good
Samaritan…no 911…no sign of the person she’d hit? What if the police dismissed
her claims for lack of evidence and she was forced to turn to a PI for help?
That incident with the bicyclist, which lasted mere seconds,
inspired not only Vanished, but the whole Private Justice series.
How interesting! What was the hardest part of Vanished to write?
This particular villain was quite complex—truly a person of
contradictions. Getting into his head…and taking readers with me on that
journey…was challenging.
If Vanished was being made into a movie, which actors would
you like to take the main characters?
I don’t go to many contemporary movies or keep up with
current Hollywood heartthrobs. I’m more a fan of classic films and classic
leading men. It just seems to me they don’t make leading men (or leading ladies)
like they used to. So I’ll have to pass on this one.
One of my greatest joys is hearing from readers who tell me
that a particular book resonated with them. I recently read a review of
Vanished that really touched me—the reviewer said the book was a life- changing
read. I treasure that kind of feedback from readers.
Can you tell us anything about the next book in the Private
Justice series yet? And if so…what detective is next to star in a book?
Dev, the former undercover ATF agent, will be featured in
Trapped, coming in October. Here’s a quick blurb: When librarian Laura
Griffin’s sixteen-year-old sister disappears on a frigid February day, leaving only
a brief note behind, Laura resolves to do whatever it takes to track down the
runaway teen. That includes recruiting ATF agent turned PI James “Dev” Devlin
to help—but the deeper he digs, the more he begins to suspect that something
sinister is at work in the girl’s disappearance. And the closer he gets to uncovering
the truth, the clearer it becomes that the situation isn’t just dangerous—it’s
I prefer contemporaries, though I’ve read some enjoyable historicals.
On the whole, though, contemporary novels resonate more with me.
What three people, living or dead, would you love to have
lunch with? They can be together at the same meal, or separate, according to
whether you think they’d get along. :)
My favorite, most relaxed meals are those shared with family
and close friends. But I’d love to have a chance to chat with certain
historical figures who fascinate me. Jesus tops the list, and I could name a dozen
others, including Abraham Lincoln and Mother Teresa.
What’s a book you recently enjoyed reading?
I’ve been dealing with some tight deadlines plus a new book
release—not to mention all the holiday activities—so I’ve done little for-fun
reading in the past few weeks. However, I’m gearing up to judge a set of books
for Romance Writers of America’s RITA award. They’ll be arriving at my door any
My website is www.irenehannon.com. I’m also on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/pages/Irene-Hannon/426433004084567) and
Twitter. I’m pretty new on Facebook, but am loving the chance to interact with
readers and share exciting news—like my very first book trailer, for Vanished.
Here’s a quick link for that: http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=2678822746262&set=vb.426433004084567&type=2&theater .
Readers, that's a really cool trailer for Vanished! I highly recommend you check it out. Ready to buy? Please go through the link below!
Also, find my reviews of other Irene Hannon books, along with my older interview with Irene, by clicking here -- you'll have to scroll down a ways.
Nearly done with this and absolutely LOVE it! Thanks for always writing such great suspense, Irene. :)
Thanks Charity AND Rissi!
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