Friday, September 9, 2011

Elizabeth and Mary

Author: Jane Dunn
Genre: Biography
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 7
Type: Non-fiction
Number of pages: 453
Time period: 1500's
Main characters: Elizabeth, Mary
My overall opinion: It was an interesting read. While I didn't find it riveting, I am glad I read it. Definitely learned more about Elizabeth I and Mary, Queen of Scots.


Maria said...

Sounds interesting!
Yes, I did do that background because I saw your post. Yours looked so nice that I just had to see what the other ones were like.

Charity U said...

So glad you found one to love, Maria Elisabeth!

Unknown said...

I'm going to have to check my library for this book. Elizabeth I is my favorite historical figure (fascinating!) and I've read every biography they have - but maybe I can get this one on loan! :-)