Author: Debora M. Coty
Genre: Devotional
My rating on a 1-10 scale: 7.5
Type: Non-fiction
Number of pages: 214
Publisher and price: Barbour, $9.99
My overall opinion: This cute little book is a humorous and inspirational read, crafted to help women face and conquer their fears with God at their side. It’s aimed more at “women” so to speak, as opposed to girls in their teens and twenties. FFFC has a few statistics (what would YOU guess the top three fears among women are? Read the book to find out…), lots of stories (and I mean lots), and a lovely plethora of Bible verses – many of them great for memorizing. It’s full of practical, solid, and good advice, with a fine dose of laughable lines and stories pulling it together. Each chapter (maybe 30 or so?) includes some thoughtful questions at the end, either for doing by yourself or with a group. Fears confronted include everything from losing dear ones to getting older, and lots. Overall, I didn’t give it a real high rating because after all, it is aimed at women older than me. I also went into it expecting Liz Curtis Higgs’ type of humor, which has always made me laugh aloud, and this just wasn’t as funny for me. However, I would none-the-less recommend it for others! Oh, also, for those you who just ADORE girly things...the pages are all pink with white polka dots! Not hard to read it, it's a fairly light (but noticeable) pink. :)
**Litfuse Publicity Group supplied me with this book in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to post a positive review, nor was I paid in any way other than the book.**
Celebrate the release of Fear, Faith and a Fistful of Chocolate with Debora Coty by entering her Kindle Fire Giveaway and RSVPing to the March 7th Author Chat Party on Facebook!
One "sweet" winner will receive:
- A Kindle Fire
- A Debora Coty Library (Fear, Faith and a Fistful of Chocolate, More Beauty, Less Beast, Too Blessed To Be Stressed, and Everyday Hope)
- Chocolate (Every good thing begins with chocolate!)
So grab your copy of Fear, Faith and a Fistful of Chocolate and join Debora and friends on the evening of March 7th for an evening of fun. (If you haven't read the book, don't let that stop you from coming!)

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