Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday Movie Quote

"I had a bad experience."

Left Ear, Italian Job, 2003
Because I quote that particular line often. It's just so quotable! Though me, a white's not quite the same as him saying it. I don't have the right accent. Oh well!
And once again...I'm doing this with Micah Elisabeth aka Little Lady from "In Sunshine and Shadows."
And because we can't have a post tagged "Italian Job" without a picture of Charlie...


Rissi said...

Love it, Charity! Such a memorable fabulous movie. Now, I need to watch it again. ;)

Charity U said...

Rissi, thanks for coming by! It is indeed memorable AND fabulous and I love it SO MUCH. So much that one of my friends sometimes calls me Charlie...I can't object. ;)

Abbi Hart said...

We quote that quote as well as countless others from The Italian Job so much!

Kara said...

I'd forgotten that particular quote, but LOVE the movie itself! So much fun. :D

Little Lady said...

Aw! Love it Charity!!! Thanks for linking up even though I was to scared to make it a real link-up!! lol I have yet to watch this movie, but EVERYONE has told me it's FANTASTIC!!!