Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Another Giveaway!

I have long-promised that when Austenitis reached 51 likes, I'd give away a book. Well, Austenitis hit that point in the last week here (and indeed, made it to 52!) and so I've posted the giveaway. The book? Avenged by Janice Cantore.

Want to win? Just follow this link to the Facebook, like the page, and get started with your entries!


Rissi said...

CONGRATS, Charity! Hope you have great success with your giveaway.

Anonymous said...

OH MY WORD!!!!!!


(hee-hee :)'re not exactly Walmart or anything, so that is actually very decidedly respectable!! :)


Charity U said...

Rissi, thanks, they were successful!

My dear friend, yes indeed! Most respectable. :D And I'm up to 57 now! Oh happy day. Glad you came by! <3